Staff news

Funding call for DEI

All Schools are invited to submit proposals to the Distance Education Initiative (DEI) for projects starting in 2014/2015.

The deadline for new project applications is Monday 28 April.

This round of funding is to be the initiative’s last.

The DEI was established in 2010 to expand extensively the University’s provision of online distance learning (ODL) at postgraduate level.

To date, more than 30 projects have been supported by the initiative (across 15 Schools and the support groups).

Two options

Schools can apply for two funding options

Option one allows Schools to seek funding for the development of a masters programme or postgraduate professional development course.

A second, scoping initiative option allows Schools to apply for funding to recruit or release staff to investigate online education opportunities, with a view to developing a full programme at a later stage.

Funding submissions must come from the School rather than individuals. They also need to carry a signature from the relevant Head of School indicating support for the proposal.

Further information

Staff with general enquiries or who are interested in developing a funding bid should contact the DEI team’s Amy Woodgate.

Amy Woodgate

Project Co-ordinator (DEI)

Contact details

Staff with a College- or School-related query should contact their College DEI representative:

Dr SIan Bayne

Humanities & Social Science DEI representative

Contact details

Professor David Weller

Medicine & Veterinary Medicine DEI representative

Contact details

Dr Judy Hardy

Science & Engineering DEI representative

Contact details

Further guidelines on developing funding proposals can be found on the DEI’s wiki.

Related Links

DEI wiki