'Digital Footprint' launches

A University-wide campaign raising awareness about the importance of managing your online presence has launched.

Managing your Digital Footprint targets all students, and encourages users to think about the data they 'leave behind' when they go online - for example in published personal information, tagged images and social media profiles.

The campaign was launched by the Institute for Academic Development (IAD) in collaboration with the Careers Service, Information Services, EDINA, the Student Experience Project and EUSA.

Guidance for students and staff

Over the next academic year, the Digital Footprint campaign will provide practical guidance on online safety and privacy, e-professionalism, creating an online presence, professional networking and using social media for research and impact.

A range of events, workshops, surveys, podcasts, Q&A sessions and a 'Find the Foot' competition will be staged.

The campaign will also provide resources and guidelines for staff, particularly those with a responsibility for supporting students or those embedding digital and social media into teaching and learning.

Resources include a campaign briefing paper, links to the Digital Footprint social media platforms, and contact information.

Research aims

A Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme grant will enable an investigation into how students manage their digital footprint and use social media.

Findings will help to develop student guidelines and provide evidence-based guidance to colleagues, ultimately feeding into University policy.

The project's findings will give a rich picture of the current 'state of play' among our diverse student body... Managing your Digital Footprint provides an opportunity to align a research project with a University-wide campaign for the benefit of both students and staff.

Dr Louise Connelly
Head of Digital Education, IAD