EUSA Teaching Awards winners

University teaching staff have been awarded for the quality of their teaching.

The winners of the annual EUSA Teaching Awards have been announced at a ceremony held at the University.

The awards are entirely student led. Edinburgh students nominate candidates and a student judging panel selects the shortlist and winners.


The winners and runners up are:

Best Feedback Award

  • Winner: Allan Clark (Informatics)
  • Runner up: Simon King (Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences)

Developing Students’ Employability Award

  • Winner: Andrew Curtis (GeoSciences)
  • Runner up: Tina Duren (Chemical Engineering)

Best Personal Tutor Award

  • Winner: Daniel Carr (Law)
  • Runner up: Joan Smith (Edinburgh College of Art)

Postgraduates Who Tutor Award

  • Winner: Sarah Humayun (Literatures, Languages and Cultures)
  • Runner up: Holly Davis (Social and Political Science)

Best Research or Dissertation Supervisor

  • Winner: Niamh Nic Shuibhne (Law)
  • Runner up: Kathleen McSweeney (History, Classics and Archaeology)

Teaching with Technology Award

  • Winner: Jan Eichhorn (Social and Political Science)
  • Runner up: Fritha Langford (Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies)

Teaching in the International Classroom Award

  • Winner: Graeme Laurie (Law School)
  • Runner up: Sakino Nakayama (Literatures, Languages & Cultures)

Robert Kendall Award for Teaching in Medicine

  • Winner: Eleri Williams (Clinical Sciences)
  • Runner up: Alwayn Leacock (Clinical Sciences)

Award for Teaching in the Veterinary Sciences

  • Winner: Kevin Eatwell (Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies)
  • Runner up: Susan Kempson (Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies)

Award for Teaching in the College of Science & Engineering

  • Winner: Sue Sierra (Mathematics)
  • Runner up: Martin Reekie (Engineering)

Award for Teaching in the College of Humanities & Social Science

  • Winner: Lauren Hall-Lew (Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science)
  • Runner up: Stephan Malinowski (History, Classics and Archaeology)

Supporting Students’ Learning Award

  • Winner: Connar Mawer (President, Biomedical Society)
  • Runner up: Wendy Housam (Edinburgh College of Art)

Best School or Subject Area Award

  • Winner: Celtic and Scottish Studies
  • Runner up: Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Best Course Award

  • Winner: Japanese 2 – Joint Japanese 2A & 2B (Literatures, Languages & Cultures)
  • Runner up: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (GeoSciences)

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