Staff news

New policy for social media use

Human Resources, in consultation with key stakeholders, has developed a “Policy on the Use of Social Media” for staff.

The policy sets out the issues around the use of social media.

It was ratified by the Combined Joint Consultative Negotiating Committee at its September 2013 meeting.

Joint statement

The following statement was agreed between Human Resources and the University’s recognised trade unions, endorsing the importance of appropriate use of social networking:

"The University recognises the benefits that the use of social media can bring to the organisation and embraces the use of social networking for positive engagement within our working environment and as a communication tool to share important news, updates and events.

"The impact of social media can be extremely positive, however, if used inappropriately it could have a negative impact on the University or members of staff, students or the public. On this basis a policy has been developed which provides guidelines on the use of social media which is governed by some simple rules which we consider to be fair and appropriate. For example, there should be no use of inappropriate language. Any comments which could be construed as bullying or harassment, whether made directly or indirectly to an individual, must be avoided.

"We would encourage respectful and responsible use of social networking in line with this policy, and in conjunction with the University’s Computing Regulations, Social Media Guidelines for Staff and Researchers and the Dignity and Respect Policy."

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