Staff news

Senate vacancies

The University Senate has a number of vacancies for University researchers and demonstrators.

The Senate is the University’s most senior academic body.

It has responsibility for overseeing and regulating teaching and student discipline and the power to promote research.


Membership of the Senate comprises the University’s professoriat together with a range of representatives from across the staff and student body, including research staff and University demonstrators.

The Senate meets three times per academic session, in October, February and June.

It also conducts business electronically three times per year.


These vacancies are open to all researchers and demonstrators who have held a contract of employment with the University on or before 31 January 2012.

This call does not apply to lecturers, senior lecturers, and readers (Senate representation by staff in these categories is arranged separately by Colleges).

Successful nominees will take office from August 2012 and will serve on Senate for a maximum of three years.

Nomination Process

Any researcher or demonstrator interested in becoming a member of the Senate must complete and return a nomination form.

The nomination must be endorsed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must themselves be a researcher or demonstrator.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is Tuesday 24 April 2012.

A list of nominations will be displayed in the official noticeboard in the Quadrangle, Old College from Wednesday 25 April 2012 until Wednesday 9 May 2012.

Download a nomination form.

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In the unlikely event that there are more nominations than vacancies, a poll will be conducted with the date of the election being Wednesday 9 May 2012.

Otherwise, all valid nominees will be declared duly elected, and the remaining vacancies, if any, will be deemed to be casual vacancies for the period until the next election.

Continuing representatives

Those who will continue to serve as representatives of the research staff and demonstrators are Mrs J Dimude, Dr J Shek and Dr P Walsh, all until 2014.

Further information

Further information is available from Stephanie Colvan or Arlene Newlands.

Arlene Newlands

Contact details

Stephanie Colvan

Contact details

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