Staff news

Festive recycling

University staff and students have successfully recycled 78 per cent of waste produced from academic and support buildings, and reused a further two per cent in 2012.

During the festive period, staff members are reminded by the University’s Waste and Recycling team to keep up the excellent work.

Pre-holiday clear-outs

For staff clearing the decks before the new year, the Waste and Recycling team suggests:

  • consulting the confidential waste contract to help you stay on the right side of data protection laws;
  • using paper and card recycling bins for Christmas cards and other paperwork;
  • requesting recycling sacks from your Cleaning Supervisor or from the Waste and Recycling team; confidential waste sacks are only available from the Waste and Recycling team.


Tips for clearing up after festive activities include:

  • contacting the Waste and Recycling team to uplift recyclable glass bottles (bottles should be boxed up);
  • placing excess food waste into a black-lined bin to ensure that recyclable collections are not contaminated;
  • In the new year, the Wastes and Recycling team will work with the Landscape section to collect your real Christmas trees, so they can be mulched for use on garden beds across the Estate.

Bin collections

The University’s waste contractors will make a final uplift in most areas during the week commencing 17 December.

Key bins on each campus are highlighted for collections during the festive break but on the whole, there will be no waste and recycling collections after 21 December until the University reopens in January.

If this is likely to cause problems, please get in touch with the Waste and Recycling team as soon as possible.

Waste and Recycling team

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Waste and recycling