Staff news

New Scottish equality regulations

The Scottish Parliament has passed regulations that place specific equality duties on public authorities, including the University.

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 have been in force since 27 May 2012.


The Equality Act 2010 introduced a general public sector equality duty which required public authorities to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.

These new regulations introduce specific duties to enable better performance of that “general duty”.

Separate legislation for this purpose has already been introduced in England and in Wales.


The new Scottish Regulations require public authorities to:

  • report progress on mainstreaming the general equality duty
  • publish equality outcomes and report progress
  • assess and review policies and practices
  • review existing policies and practices
  • gather, use and publish employment information
  • publish gender pay gap information
  • publish an equal pay statement
  • consider award criteria and conditions in public procurement.

University action

Action will be taken to meet these new requirements through the University’s existing structures and processes, building on our current Equality and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan and our monitoring and reporting processes.

University advice and guidance on equality impact assessment and review of policies and practices is being developed following publication of the regulations and will be provided to managers and others with relevant responsibilities in due course.

Further information will be published on the University’s Equality and Diversity website shortly.