New University HR Services

The University’s Corporate HR department has re-launched as University HR Services (UHRS).

The name change heralds a new era for the department including major changes to the way it works and how it is structured.

Expert teams

UHRS now hosts expert teams in employee relations, reward and management systems, learning and development, and resourcing.

These areas are key to delivering the University’s strategic goals, such as designing strategies to attract, develop and reward the best talent.

These specialist teams are supported by professionally qualified HR administrators.

Supporting University goals

UHRS’s remit includes a wide spectrum of activities to position Edinburgh as an inclusive employer, with policies and practices that support the University’s goals and meet the needs of a diverse staff group.

Current projects include:

  • updating our policy framework
  • introducing a new e-Recruitment system
  • developing an REF Code of Practice
  • reviewing our learning and development provision
  • developing our career and reward structures
  • enhancing our support for international staff
  • refreshing our approach to equality and diversity.

UHRS will work in partnership with senior management and colleagues from across the University, including the wider HR community, to provide a highly responsive professional service which supports the diverse needs of the business.

We are pleased to welcome colleagues to the University who bring with them a wide range of expertise from a variety of other sectors to compliment the current team. We look forward to working with colleagues in advancing the people strategies that make a genuine difference to the success of the University.

Sheila Gupta
Director of University HR Services