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Survey to explore Scottish children’s diets

26 January, 20242024

Thousands of children and young people across Scotland are to be asked about their eating and…

Net zero coalition unites universities in climate fight

23 January, 20242024

A landmark initiative has been launched to bring together Scottish universities to address the…

World-class science facility opened by Chancellor

19 January, 20242024

Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, has opened a…

Extreme weather influencing mortgage payments

16 January, 20242024

When cyclones and floods hit populated areas, people’s ability to pay their mortgage differs…

All-UK study reveals impact of missed Covid vaccines

16 January, 20242024

The first research study of the entire UK population of 67 million people has highlighted gaps in…

Waste supercomputer heat and old mines could warm homes

15 January, 20242024

A first-of-its-kind system in the UK is being trialled in Edinburgh to see if waste heat from a…

Teens who up screen time raise mental health risks

15 January, 20242024

Teenagers whose screen time increases as they go through adolescence raise the risk of mental…

Cycling to work linked with better mental health

15 January, 20242024

People who cycle to work are less likely to be prescribed drugs to treat anxiety or depression than…

Treatment boost needed to shift NHS Covid backlog

10 January, 20242024

The NHS must treat at least 10 per cent more non-emergency hospital cases a month if it is to…

Global study to spur new liver cirrhosis medicines

09 January, 20242024

A new £30 million study is aiming to speed up the development of new treatments for advanced liver…