Archive of press releases from 2014. December Document Research rankings reaffirm Edinburgh’s place as global leader - 18/12/2014 (PDF) (25.37 KB / PDF) Document Cannabis-based medicine to be tested as child epilepsy therapy - 17/12/2014 (PDF) (85.86 KB / PDF) Document Cash boost for WW1 project that spotlights Scots’ role in conflict - 16/12/2014 (PDF) (23.81 KB / PDF) Document Gene study traces birds’ family tree back to dinosaurs - 11/12/2014 (PDF) (25.2 KB / PDF) Document Russia’s cultural links with UK are focus of research forum - 10/12/2014 (PDF) (24.25 KB / PDF) Document Care experience does not make students better nurses - 08/12/2014 (PDF) (21 KB / PDF) Document Lost artworks resurface as show spotlights siblings’ shared vision - 02/12/2014 (PDF) (24.36 KB / PDF) Document Online atlas puts people in touch with capital’s past -01/12/2014 (PDF) (22.36 KB / PDF) November Document Student's Antarctic research makes mark on postage stamps - 26/11/2014 (PDF) (21.47 KB / PDF) Document Gene study sheds light on memory power and performance - 26/11/2014 (PDF) (43.28 KB / PDF) Document Trojan horse tactic gives parasite edge over immune systems - 25/11/2014 (PDF) (21.31 KB / PDF) Document Pageant celebrates University’s past and Law School’s future - 25/11/2014 (PDF) (47.24 KB / PDF) Document Boxing charity founder to receive Edinburgh honorary degree - 24/11/2014 (PDF) (21.18 KB / PDF) Document Former spy chief to receive Edinburgh honorary degree - 24/11/2014 (PDF) (22.12 KB / PDF) Document Montgomerie and Storey to receive Edinburgh honorary degrees - 21/11/2014 (PDF) (21.43 KB / PDF) Document Complex jobs may protect thinking skills in later life - 19/11/2014 (PDF) (62.99 KB / PDF) Document Deaf children missing out on classroom support - 19/11/2014 (PDF) (24.9 KB / PDF) Document Brain scanner to give clearest picture of dementia to date - 17/11/2014 (PDF) (26.08 KB / PDF) Document Cell study sheds light on diseases caused by immune system fault - 17/11/2014 (PDF) (23.41 KB / PDF) Document High blood pressure puts one in four Nigerians at risk - 12/11/2014 (PDF) (21.51 KB / PDF) Document Insights into plant growth could curb need for fertilisers - 12/11/2014 (PDF) (21.38 KB / PDF) Document Organs can be protected from damage by key protein - 06/11/2014 (PDF) (59.26 KB / PDF) Document Baboons share our ability to amass knowledge - 05/11/2014 (PDF) (61.75 KB / PDF) Document Teens close to high number of tobacco shops more likely to smoke - 04/11/2014 (PDF) (22.83 KB / PDF) Document MRSA bugs linked to livestock are found in hospitals - 03/11/2014 (PDF) (23.25 KB / PDF) October Document Peak age of offending rises as teens turn from life of crime - 30/10/2014 (PDF) (23.03 KB / PDF) Document Bacteria are hard-wired for survival - 29/10/2014 (PDF) (21.86 KB / PDF) Document Animal experts aim to keep Europe safe from infection threat - 28/10/2014 (PDF) (23.43 KB / PDF) Document New cancer drugs may work best with other therapies - 24/10/2014 (PDF) (21.7 KB / PDF) Document Edinburgh strengthens North American ties with New York base - 22/10/2014 (PDF) (24.44 KB / PDF) Document Sunshine may slow weight gain and diabetes onset - 21/10/2014 (PDF) (23.59 KB / PDF) Document Lower voting age to 16 and discuss politics in school - 13/10/2014 (PDF) (23.63 KB / PDF) Document Healthy eating incentives up pupils' appetite for fruit and greens - 06/10/2014 (PDF) (23.24 KB / PDF) Document £14.5m boost will help keep Scotland at forefront of bioscience - 03/10/2014 (PDF) (23.49 KB / PDF) Document Fall in monsoon rains driven by rise in air pollution - 01/10/2014 (PDF) (21.77 KB / PDF) Document Emu eggs may hold clues to causes birth defects - 01/10/2014 (PDF) (21.18 KB / PDF) September Document Dinosaur family tree gives fresh insight into rapid rise of birds - 25/09/2014 (PDF) (22.79 KB / PDF) Document Enzyme discovery paves way to tackling deadly parasite diseases - 24/09/2014 (PDF) (21.5 KB / PDF) Document Mahatma Gandhi's grandson puts India in fresh perspective - 24/09/2014 (PDF) (24.08 KB / PDF) Document Chinese celebrations aim to be everyone’s cup of tea - 24/09/2014 (PDF) (68.31 KB / PDF) Document Ryder Cup role for Scots sports medicine specialists - 23/09/2014 (PDF) (23.51 KB / PDF) Document Vote experts offer fresh analysis in wake of historic result - 18/09/2014 (PDF) (22.02 KB / PDF) Document Cell study may shed light on causes of infertility and birth defects - 11/09/2014 (PDF) (21.39 KB / PDF) Document Vultures wait for eagles to find food then swoop in - 10/09/2014 (PDF) (21.75 KB / PDF) Document Eating is addictive but sugar and fat are not like drugs - 09/09/2014 (PDF) (24.15 KB / PDF) Document Plant insights could help develop crops for changing climates - 08/09/2014 (PDF) (21.14 KB / PDF) Document Yes vote chances rise with access to more information - 08/09/2014 (PDF) (22.85 KB / PDF) August Document Depressed cancer patients helped by integrated care - 28/08/2014 (PDF) (26.04 KB / PDF) Document Deep sea robots surface for research event - 27/08/2014 (31.13 KB / PDF) Document Crohn's disease gene discovery points towards new treatments - 26/08/2014 (PDF) (23.05 KB / PDF) Document Scots' Yes-No vote is focus of free online course - 25/08/2014 (PDF) (30.67 KB / PDF) Document Wildlife experts join forces to help curb infection - 25/08/2014 (PDF) (20.85 KB / PDF) Document Acclaimed authors join oldest book prize’s hall of fame - 22/08/2014 (PDF) (34.45 KB / PDF) Document Panda partnership goes from strength to strength at signing ceremony - 21/08/2014 (PDF) (41.23 KB / PDF) Document Newborns' genetic code sends infection distress signal - 14/08/2014 PDF) (25.43 KB / PDF) Document Photocall - ECA Masters Degree Show 2014 - 14/08/2014 (PDF) (26.34 KB / PDF) Document Volcano team get measure of threat to Great Rift Valley - 07/08/2014 (PDF) (23.76 KB / PDF) Document Silver screen lights up quad for movie magic - 05/08/2014 (PDF) (56.75 KB / PDF) Document Social networking key to helping bugs spread - 05/08/2014 (PDF) (21.99 KB / PDF) Document Ministerial visit marks venture to preserve legacy of Little Sparta - 05/08/2014 (PDF) (24.45 KB / PDF) Document Staying quick-sighted is sign of staying intelligent - 04/08/2014 (PDF) (24.58 KB / PDF) July Document Tropical farmers’ plight is focus of animal research initiative - 30/07/2014 (PDF) (23.79 KB / PDF) Document Milky Way lighter than previously thought - 29/07/2014 (PDF) (23.2 KB / PDF) Document Dinosaurs fell victim to perfect storm of events - 28/07/2014 (PDF) (24.71 KB / PDF) Document Photocall - The World History of the Rashid al-Din - 28/07/2014 (PDF) (22.25 KB / PDF) Document Sinister side secret to meerkat success - 22/07/2014 (PDF) (21.65 KB / PDF) Document Dementia experts join forces in global bid to tackle disease-19-06-2014 (23.04 KB / PDF) Document Indian-hockey-squad-step-up-a-gear-for-Glasgow-Games-10-07-2014 (23.13 KB / PDF) Document Most Scots-believe-in-the-power-of-prayer-09-07-2014 (23.64 KB / PDF) Document Astronaut-brings-otherworldy-experience-to-summer-school-09-07-2014 (21.4 KB / PDF) Document Life-size-virtual-cadaver-gives-doctors’-training-new-dimension-07-07-2014 (23.18 KB / PDF) Document Gene study shows how sheep first separated from goats - 05/06/2014 (PDF) (40.38 KB / PDF) Document Expert help at hand for TV’s junior vet hopefuls - 05/06/2014 (PDF) (20.96 KB / PDF) June Document Nobel-winning-scientists-honoured-at-graduation-ceremony-26-06-2014 (21.63 KB / PDF) Document Provocative-productions-come-top-as-drama-shortlist-is-unveiled-26-06-2014 (64.5 KB / PDF) Document Animals-built-reefs-550-million-years-ago-26-06-2014 (23.9 KB / PDF) Document Influx-of-students-from-rest-of-UK-to-Scotland-unlikely-24-06-2014 (24.41 KB / PDF) Document Family snaps help doctors pinpoint rare genetic disorders - 24/06/2014 (PDF) (52.26 KB / PDF) Document Acclaimed Canadian author receives Edinburgh honorary degree 23/06/2014 (PDF) (95.58 KB / PDF) Document Dementia experts join forces in global bid to tackle disease-19-06-2014 (23.04 KB / PDF) Document White-Scots-most-likely-to-smoke-while-pregnant-17-06-2014 (22.67 KB / PDF) Document World-Cup-and-Scots-Yes-No-vote-are-focus-of-new-online-courses-11-06-2014 (31.7 KB / PDF) Document Pictures-in-the-park-aim-to-widen-appeal-of-brain-research-10-06-2014 (22.9 KB / PDF) Document Warming-climates-intensify-greenhouse-gas-given-out-by-oceans-08-06-2014 (23.08 KB / PDF) Document Saving-trees-in-tropics-could-cut-emissions-by-a-fifth-06-06-2014 (22.19 KB / PDF) Document Young-peoples’-independence-referendum-intentions-narrow-05-06-2014 (29.55 KB / PDF) Document Large-scale-testing-tank-to-make-waves-in-marine-energy-sector-05-06-2015 (23.77 KB / PDF) Document Gene study shows how sheep first separated from goats - 05/06/2014 (PDF) (40.38 KB / PDF) Document Expert help at hand for TV’s junior vet hopefuls - 05/06/2014 (PDF) (20.96 KB / PDF) Document Flexi-device-set-to-smooth-waters-in-birthing-process-04-06-2014 (24.43 KB / PDF) Document Chinese-poster-art-to-captivate-UK-audiences-for-first-time-04-06-2015 (23.04 KB / PDF) Document Second-langage-helps-you-stay-sharp-in-later-life-02-06-2014 (22.07 KB / PDF) Document 600m-healthcare-bid-could-help-look-after-ageing-population-02-06-2014 (21.85 KB / PDF) May Document Huge-tooth-fossil-shows-marine-predator-had-plenty-to-chew-on-28-05-2014 (21.45 KB / PDF) Document Vaccine pioneer’s historic works on show as science library opens - 21/05/2014 (PDF) (21.48 KB / PDF) Document Antibiotic crisis needs united global response - 21/05/2014 (PDF) (33.97 KB / PDF) Document Solar energy prospects are bright for Scotland - 19/05/2014 (PDF) (22.9 KB / PDF) Document Shortlists for UK’s oldest literary prizes have a global reach - 19/05/2014 (PDF) (42.41 KB / PDF) Document Genes play key role in brain injury risk for premature babies - 19/05/2014 (PDF) (21.74 KB / PDF) Document Edinburgh honorary degree for former Indian president - 16/05/2014 (PDF) (106.41 KB / PDF) Document Rugby youths should pass scrum strength test - 13/05/2014 (PDF) (42.02 KB / PDF) Document Businesses hit by disaster can learn from Japan quake response - 12/05/2014 (PDF) (21.54 KB / PDF) Document Causes of depression in spotlight with £4.7m funding boost - 09/05/2014 (PDF) (24.07 KB / PDF) Document Walter Scott’s northern odyssey revisited in literary initiative - 09/05/2014 (PDF) (39.47 KB / PDF) Document Game shows, gangsters and online dating add drama to longlist - 06/05/2014 (PDF) (58.85 KB / PDF) Document Newly found dinosaur is long-nosed cousin of Tyrannosaurus rex - 05/05/2014 (PDF) (41.07 KB / PDF) April Document Free vet course offers taste of how things work in practice - 30/04/2014 (PDF) (25.03 KB / PDF) Document Imaging gives clearer picture of cancer drugs chances of success - 28/04/2014 (PDF) (22.28 KB / PDF) Document National identity plays a key role in voters’ views on Europe - 28/04/2014 (PDF) (69.27 KB / PDF) Document Students get in shape for high level research into deadly condition - 23/04/2014 (PDF) (360.37 KB / PDF) Document Amazon rainforest survey could improve carbon offest schemes -23/04/2014 (PDF) (24.51 KB / PDF) Document Biscuit lady gets big break in students’ fashion extravaganza - 22/04/2014 (PDF) (337.15 KB / PDF) Document Male health linked to testosterone exposure in womb, study finds - 21/04/2014 (PDF) (284.09 KB / PDF) Document Stroke recovery chances step up with exercise, expert advises - 14/04/2014 (PDF) (266.29 KB / PDF) Document Concert hall steps back in time for one last dance…1940s style - 14/04/2014 (PDF) (1003.81 KB / PDF) Document Brain cell discovery could open doors to targeted cancer therapies - 11/04/2014 (PDF) (354.58 KB / PDF) Document Solar-powered internet access set to broaden reach of web - 10/04/2014 (PDF) (322.26 KB / PDF) Document Neandertal’s recent link to humans confirmed in DNA study - 08/04/2014 (PDF) (331.75 KB / PDF) Document Microscope camera to shed light how living cells behave - 07/04/2014 (PDF) (268.49 KB / PDF) Document Better labelling would cut paracetamol risks, expert advises - 07/04/2014 (PDF) (283.16 KB / PDF) Document Research facility seeks to speed application of DNA discoveries - 02/04/2014 (307.04 KB / PDF) Document Tap-dancing pigeons and cocooned ice queens at costume extravaganza (361.91 KB / PDF) March Document Technology advances may improve defence in conflict zones-31-03-2014 (PDF) (312.8 KB / PDF) Document Climbers at risk set to benefit from altitude sickness study - 28/03/14 (PDF) (287.71 KB / PDF) Document Hormone levels linked to survival of deer calves, study suggests - 26/03/2014 (305.8 KB / PDF) Document Smoking bans cut premature births and childhood asthma attacks-26-03-14 (PDF) (310.08 KB / PDF) Document Trading archives chart how Britain’s taste for tea grew-25-03-2014 (PDF) (342.74 KB / PDF) Document Galileo first edition and Shakespeare source book go on show - 25/03/2014 (PDF) (374.97 KB / PDF) Document Oldest music venue celebrates to the tune of £800,000-24-03-2014 (PDF) (486.22 KB / PDF) Document Paracetamol poisoning treatment guidelines costing NHS millions-24-03-2014 (PDF) (471.17 KB / PDF) Document Breastfeeding up most among disadvantaged mums, study shows - 24/02/2014 (PDF) (22.03 KB / PDF) Document Insects and animal horns make fashion show a cut above the rest - 21/03/2014 (PDF) (358.35 KB / PDF) Document New maps for navigating the genome unveiled by scientists-21-03-2014 (PDF) (278.96 KB / PDF) Document Statins could ease coughing in lung disease patients-20-03-2014 (PDF) (274.42 KB / PDF) Document Costumed dancers add dramatic twist to art exhibition - 19/03/2014 (PDF) (368.74 KB / PDF) Document Secret agents emerge from the shadows for spy fiction week-19-03-2014 (PDF) (355.95 KB / PDF) Document ARCHER supercomputer targets research solutions on epic scale (363.47 KB / PDF) Document Company profile playing key role in business view of independence - 17/03/2014 (PDF) (299.99 KB / PDF) Document New class of drug could curb antibiotic resistance-17-03-14 (PDF) (334.6 KB / PDF) Document Interpreting bacteria’s complex language could aid infection fight-10-03-14 (PDF) (368.76 KB / PDF) Document Quest for lung disease treatments aided by blood sample study-10-03-2014 (PDF) (337.33 KB / PDF) Document Ear bone can offer vital clue in quest to identify human remains - 06/03/2014 (367.54 KB / PDF) Document Origins of ‘bad’ fat traced back to embryo-06-03-2014 (PDF) (279.69 KB / PDF) Document Ear bone can offer vital clue in quest to identify human remains - 06/03/2014 (PDF) (75.75 KB / PDF) Document Horses set to gain health benefits from stem cell advance - 04/03/2014 (PDF) (265.82 KB / PDF) January Document Terracotta warriors illuminate capital at Chinese New Year - 10/01/2014 (PDF) (103.82 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2024-11-12