
Views sought on responsible investment

The University is inviting staff and students to share their views on updates to its Responsible Investment Policy.

Consultation will open on 31 May 2024 and will run for three months.

Last updated in 2016, the policy has been under review for the past year to cement the University’s commitments to tackling the climate crisis and incorporating socially positive investments.

The decision to extend consultation to all staff and students reflects the range of views on important global issues across our community.

Ethical investing 

The Responsible Investment Policy sets out the approach the University takes to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in its investments. The policy excludes investments in controversial weapons and fossil fuels, among other industries.

This policy covers all the investments the University makes via its endowment fund, which does not include any revenue from teaching or research income.

Proposals for the revised policy include incorporating the University’s existing commitments to socially positive investments and climate change targets, as well as a further commitment to explore how future investments can make a positive impact on nature and biodiversity.

The updated policy will also look into an active ownership approach to how we engage with asset managers on investment decision-making – particularly around ESG issues.

We are dedicated to aligning our University's investments with our values. That's why we're actively investing in environmentally and socially beneficial initiatives. We are listening to our community and their concerns around investments and we welcome their input as we seek to renew our policy and use our investments to address the pressing challenges of our time.

Dave Gorman Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, the University of Edinburgh

Responsible goals 

The University has had a responsible investment policy in place since 2003 and was the first university in Europe to sign the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

These UN-backed principles commit the University to embed the issue of responsible investment into its investment strategies and how it engages with companies, as well as a commitment to report on progress.

The University completed divestment from fossil fuels in 2021. Before this, in 2015, the University made a commitment to never invest in companies that manufacture controversial weapons.

Related links  

Responsible investment | The University of Edinburgh

Socially positive investments | The University of Edinburgh

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (