College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

Our commitment to sustainability

Being socially responsible and sustainable is a key part of how we do things at the University of Edinburgh.

Avenue of trees

Sustainability is firmly embedded in our buildings policy at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine to manage all our workplace activities which impact our environment and its resources.


Zero by 2040

Everyone working or studying at the University of Edinburgh is encouraged to save energy day to day to contribute to the University's target of becoming zero carbon by 2040.

The University's Climate Strategy 2016 lays out a comprehensive whole-institution approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve its ambitious targets.

As well as adopting everyday sustainable behaviours like turning off lights and switching off equipment when not in use, staff and students can make improvements to their workplace with the Sustainable Campus Fund or by becoming a sustainability champion.

Learn more about Zero by 2040

Apply for the Sustainable Campus Fund

Become a sustainability champion


Waste and recycling - Warp it

 Warp It, the University’s internal reuse platform, can help you reuse equipment and materials you no longer need and allow you to claim items for free rather than buying new.

Join Warp It (staff and PhD students only)


Travel choices

Support is available to help you try out active travel, video conferencing, and to consider taking the train over the plane for business trips within the UK. The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine website gives timetables of the bus routes and shuttle buses that service BioQuarter (Little France) as well as information for cyclists. The University provides interest-free loans to purchase annual tickets for public transport.


Fairness in trade and sustainable procurement

The University has made various commitments to working towards socially responsible and sustainable procurement and supply chains. Fairness in trade and sustainable procurement means calling for responsible practices in relation to workers, environment and society to be followed by our suppliers. This includes work around modern slavery, conflict minerals and supporting fair trade.

Sustainability: supply chains and investments

Modern Slavery statement


Sustainability awards

Lab and office teams from across the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine have the opportunity to champion social responsibility and sustainability in their areas through the University’s Sustainability Awards.

Take part in the Sustainability Awards

View past winners


Sustainable labs

Labs use many times more energy and water per square metre than office spaces and can produce large quantities of waste including hazardous, clinical and single-use plastics. The Social Responsibility and Sustainability team can help you make your lab more sustainable through training, funding and advice. 

Researchers and academic staff can use the ‘Living Lab’ approach to link up their research with improvements to University practice.

Sustainable labs

Learn more about the University as a Living Lab


Social responsibility

Wellbeing groups on the BioQuarter campus inspire people to take up sport and develop active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles.

The Little France Jog Scotland group meets at lunch time three times a week at the Chancellor’s Building.

The University of Edinburgh Little France Jog Scotland Group

Little France Jog Scotland Facebook page


Related links

For more detailed information on the University-wide approach to sustainability, visit:

Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh