STACK demonstration site

How to access the STACK demonstration website.

STACK provides a question type for the Moodle online learning system which is specifically designed to enable sophisticated computer-aided assessment in Mathematics and related disciplines, with emphasis on formative assessment.

Please visit the STACK demonstration site to find out more about the features of STACK.

If you have an academic interest in using STACK, and would like to author questions on the demonstration site to evaluate STACK, please contact us.

STACK demo site maintenance windows

The demo site may occasionally be taken offline for brief periods of maintenance at any time during UK weekday working hours, sometimes with only fairly short advance notice given (usually noted below, for longer duration maintenance periods).

If you see a maintenance downtime alert on the demo site, please make sure that you logout as soon as possible.

Please note that the website is also offline for automated overnight backups for approximately 30 minutes between 04:00 and 04:30 UK local time every day (timezone GMT/UTC during northern winter, BST/UTC+01:00 during northern summer).


Scheduled maintenance

There is no currently scheduled maintenance work for the STACK demo server.

Go to the new STACK demonstration website

The demonstration site runs Moodle 4.1 LTS and STACK 4.7 as of July 2024.

STACK documentation

Each installation of STACK includes its own online documentation as part of the installation, or you can refer to the documentation website.