Dashkova Centre

Global Russian podcasts

On 24-25 January 2013 the Dashkova Centre hosted a conference on Global Russian.

Russian radio dial

The conference presented research into the Russian language and culture from a wide range of perspectives, with speakers from around the world. Below are podcasts of some of the conference presentations.

Aldona Judina / Vera Zvereva

Aldona Judina: Russian among Scottish emigres | Vera Zvereva: Russian in Tourism

Vladimir Alpatov (Russian Academy of Sciences)

"Latin Alphabet for the Russian Language"

Victoria Hudson (University of Birmingham)

"The Russkiy Mir: Easing Russia’s Way to Post-Colonialism?"

Matthew Ciscel (Central Connecticut State University)

"From the Dniester to the Danube: Gradients of policy, proficiency, and practice in the Russian language"

Ekaterina Protassova (Helsinki University)

"Global Russian in the Tourism Sphere"

Ammon Cheskin (Glasgow University)

"The Russian language and Russian-speaking identity in Latvia"