Institute of Genetics and Cancer

New directions for IGMM-industry collaboration

Bioinformatics workshop with Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd: March 2018

Bioinformatics workshop Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd

Alison Meynert, Graeme Grimes and Colin Semple of the IGMM Bioinformatics Analysis Core hosted a one day collaborative Bioinformatics workshop with Canon on Monday 12 March, bringing IGMM programmers and data analysts together with colleagues from Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd in Edinburgh.

The Canon staff occupy a research and development centre that creates advanced visualisation software for use in a variety of medical scanning technologies and have expertise in software engineering, image processing and machine learning.

The IGMM staff have parallel expertise in biomedical genome informatics and play central roles in Scottish Genomes Partnership sequencing data analysis.

The Bioinformatics Analysis Core (BAC) provides advice, training, the provision of computational tools and collaborative expertise to all IGMM researchers.

  • Advice and support, through the provision of collaborative bioinformatics skills to research programmes across the IGMM.
  • Expertise through the development and implementation of effective analysis strategies for common tasks, establishing best practice in IGMM data analysis.
  • Training through the provision of training resources, instruction and advice to assist IGMM users in their own data analysis

The facility has a track record in the analysis of novel, high throughput biological datasets, particularly sequencing data, and have co-authored many IGMM publications and grant proposals.

Together the Bioinformatics Analysis Core and Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd are exploring overlaps in their activities and the potential for novel technologies to improve patient care.
