Centre for Inflammation Research

Vaccine Workshop - Trial run in local primary school

On 21 February, six members of the IRR Science Festival subcommittee visited a P5/6 class at Niddrie Mill Primary School to talk about the immune system and vaccines.

The IRR Science Festival Subcommittee has been developing a new 1-hour workshop for the 2022 Edinburgh Science Festival, exploring how vaccines are developed. The group recently partnered up with a local class at Niddrie Mill Primary School to test out the new activities.

School pupils were challenged to build new vaccines to protect their bunnies from a new strain of "bunny flu." After brief discussions about the immune system and vaccines, the 13 pupils proceeded through a series of stations to find all of correct "ingredents" for their vaccines, in the form of 3-printed puzzle pieces.

During the visit, pupils also took part in a memory game to learn about immune memory, and used portable pocket microscopes to look at lymph nodes and tonsils.


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IRR Public Engagement Committee