School of History, Classics & Archaeology

Man the Monster

Adam in the Garden of Eden

Rethinking the past

In mythological texts early humans were thought of in two opposing ways; those who were civilized and lived in urban settlements and those who were wild and lived among the animals - Adam, the Hebrew bible’s first man, can be regarded as a wild man. The inevitable slide into civilization can be seen as a loss of innocence as the wild man rejects and tames the nature that he was once a part of. In this lecture Dr Llewellyn Jones argues that the wild man, seen as monstrous by urban society, is an innocent child of nature and that the monstrous is unlocked when mankind forgets its original bond with the wild.

Free to attend

This event is free to attend. Please register in advance via eventbrite.

Lecture series

This event is part of a series of public lectures which aim to challenge popular beliefs and reassess intriguing events. See the menu on the right for more details.

Aug 12 2015 -

Man the Monster

Come to our free lecture exploring the conception of the human-animal binary across the cultures of the ancient Near East and the Classical world.

Anatomy Lecture Theatre, University of Edinburgh, Doorway 3, Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG