School of Health in Social Science

Creative methodologies: exploring meaningful engagement through qualitative and participatory approaches

How do we use qualitative methods to explore relationality within arts and play contexts?

What can be the value of using participatory approaches to explore psychosocial wellbeing?

This session will examine how qualitative and participatory methodologies may elucidate the value embedded within creative experiences.

Join us for a panel discussion, dialogue and debate about creativity and qualitative inquiry.

Please register on Eventbrite

Jan 29 2020 -

Creative methodologies: exploring meaningful engagement through qualitative and participatory approaches

with Katey Warran, PhD Researcher and AHRC Creative Economies Studentship; Laura Wright, PhD Social Policy; Nikki Kane, PhD History of Art.

LG10, David Hume Tower,
George Square,
Edinburgh, EH8 9JX