
Aydin Simsek, November 2020


Course International Relations   
Year Fourth
Been a caller for 2018-2020
Aydin Simsek

As a student of International Relations, ‘money makes the world go around’ is a phrase that I could not understand any better, and it was also a big concern for me when I was applying to study at university. With tuition fee repayments of £9,250 a year to factor in before even considering rent and other essentials, I knew that I had to be shrewd with my choice of institution. London was essentially off the table – the horror stories of students paying as much as £1000 a month for squalid accommodation, £5 pints and costly travelcards was too much to bare. The other choice for a big city experience was, therefore, Edinburgh – and in many respects, I think it’s the best city in the UK!

What can be said for certain is that the university has the most generous financial support package available to any students, not only in Scotland but in the UK as a whole. If I take my own example for instance, based on a single parent background I was successful in being awarded a £6,000 Rest of the UK Scholarship for every year of my study, which is topped up by an additional £1,500 scholarship awarded by Lloyds Banking Group. This collectively is enough to cover my rent and utility bills in full for the year, while leaving me a small amount left over to put towards other costs of living in Edinburgh. City living is no cheap experience, and figures show that rents, in particular, have increased at a rapid rate in recent years, though such a substantial scholarship helps tremendously in ensuring that no students are put off applying to Edinburgh simply because of the cost of living.

I can safely say that I have thrived at Edinburgh, taking every opportunity that I have been offered to challenge myself and develop new aspects of my character. I have advanced myself in my academic field as well as in many other respects: taking on society committee roles and undertaking the Edinburgh Award, as well as learning diplomatic skills needed to maintain household relations and other general proficiencies required in adult life! Most recently, I was promoted to a supervisory position with the calling team after two years as a Student Caller, which has allowed me to develop the necessary skills to lead a large office team successfully. I am grateful for this experience and hope that it will serve me well in a future graduate capacity. Most importantly though, I enjoy my job from the perspective of being able to give something back to the community of students of which I am a member, and actively engage with the alumni, who through their own goodwill have supported mine and many other students’ university education. I have hope that one day I too can give something back to the institution that has had such a lasting effect on my future outlook.


November 2020