Research seminars

Nicholas Canny | The Manifestation of Human Agency in Digital Composition and Performance

Event details

Speaker: Nicholas Canny (University of Edinburgh)

Date:  Thursday 30 September, 2021

Time: 5.15 - 6.45pm.  

Venue: now online via Zoom, meeting ID 873 0260 8901, passcode here.


Nicholas Canny will discuss his PhD research which focuses on the concept of humanisation in the design of music technology. Humanisation involves the visibility of human agency and improving interaction with music technology through the design of a novel instrument and the encapsulation of human characteristics and interactivity that reflect a personal practice and musical background. To accomplish this, he developed the hybrid guitar in combination with a digital composition and improvisation environment which allowed him to situate himself as a primary agent within a digital ecosystem – visually and sonically.

This approach also facilitated the recycling of virtuosity; use of the guitar as a sound source and digital controller; encapsulation of human imperfection and behaviours in software; ability to improvise with composed material in real-time and extension and augmentation of human control. These topics have been addressed primarily from a solo performance perspective, using the commercial software Ableton Live, which has been customised using inbuilt processes and bespoke software created with Max/MSP.


Nicholas Canny is an Irish musician and composer based in Edinburgh, where he is pursuing a PhD in Creative Music Practice. Having previously studied a BA in Jazz Performance on Guitar and an MSc in Digital Composition and Performance, his PhD focuses on merging these two disciplines. This involves the humanisation of electronic music performance - utilising the hybrid guitar, Ableton Live, and bespoke software created with Max/MSP.


Nicholas Canny's SoundCloud page (external link)



Sep 30 2021 -

Nicholas Canny | The Manifestation of Human Agency in Digital Composition and Performance

Nicholas Canny will discuss his PhD research on the concept of humanisation in the design of music technology.

Alison House
12 Nicolson Square