Artist rooms

Psychoanalysis workshop

The workshop on Psychoanalysis and the Arts beyond Biography took place on Friday 28 February 2014 in Edinburgh College of Art.

Panellists in discussion at the Psychoanalysis workshop.
© Maria Koutouzi

The Royal Society of Edinburgh funded the event, featuring speakers from the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, and York, as well as from Tate and the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London.

David Hodge, School of Philosophy and Art History, University of Essex
Panelist 1
Anouchka Grose, Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research
Panelist 2
Dr Beth Williamson, Tate
Panelist 3
Dr Matt Ffytche, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex
View of audience at the Psychoanalysis workshop with view of Edinburgh Castle in background.
© Maria Koutouzi

Psychoanalysis, art and war

Kostas Stasinopoulos, University of York

Psychoanalysis and the city

Professor Richard Williams, University of Edinburgh

Psychoanalysis and neuroaesthetics

Dr David Hulks, University of East Anglia