Edinburgh Award

Peer Assessment

Information relating to the use of the online peer assessment system within many versions of the Edinburgh Award.

Many students undertaking the Edinburgh Award will be involved in the process of peer assessment, and this usually means that students use a system on LEARN to review each other's reflections. If you are currently enrolled on the Award, your Award leader will advise if you and your peers are using the online system.

Follow the links below for information about writing your reflections, as well as instructions on how to use the online system and give feedback as part of the peer assessment task.

Your reflections

Information about writing up your reflections.

Peer Mark Instructions

Follow the link below for instructions on using Peer Mark .

Learning objectives

Information about the two learning objectives you should bear in mind when you are writing up your reflections and when you are assessing your peers' reflections.

The process

An outline of the entire process when you're using the online peer assessment system, from submitting your reflections to receiving your result.

Input 2 - using the online system

Instructions for using the online peer assessment system at Input 2.

Input 3 - using the online system

Instructions for using the online peer assessment system at Input 3.

Providing feedback at Input 2

Tips on providing feedback to your peers.

Issue with Turnitin

Information from IS about what to do if Turnitin asks you to log into the system.