
Scottish Anatomical Technical Staff first inaugural meeting

The Scottish Anatomical Technical Staff first inaugural meeting took place on Wednesday 23rd August, 2017, at the Old Medical School, University of Edinburgh.

Anatomical Technical Staff Meeting 2017

The meeting was attended by representatives from all 5 medical schools; Gary Thomson (St Andrews), Kate Riddell (Glasgow), Stuart McNally (Glasgow), Jill Hamilton (Glasgow), Sheryl Paton (Dundee), Sam Skene (Dundee), Karen Scott (Edinburgh) and Laura Sheils (Edinburgh).

The reason behind the initiative thought up by Edinburgh University Anatomy Technician Karen Scott was to improve contact and relations between Technical staff from all the Scottish universities and to share ideas and occasionally have a moan!  The day was extremely successful with positive feedback from all those attending and the overriding thought was that it had been a worthwhile exercise, one which will be carried forward when the other universities open their doors possibly making this an annual event. We would like to thank all those who attended and helped make it a success!