Law School to host landmark Human Rights event
The Global Justice Academy and Edinburgh Law School have won a bid to host a major conference marking the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In 2018 the University will welcome the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) conference on the 70th anniversary of the Declaration.
Combatting inequality
Signed in the aftermath of the Second World War, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UHDR) provides a system for combatting inequality across a host of civil, political, social, economic and cultural fronts.
We are honored and privileged to host the 2018 AHRI conference. Even now, human rights appear under threat with democratic regression, rises in populism, and new regimes undermining tried and tested forms of human rights law and mechanisms. “The 70th anniversary of the UDHR present the prime opportunity to not only reflect on the wide ranging developments that have been achieved in its shadow, but also to critically assess how to maintain a progressive and stable human rights protection system.
Major refurbishment
The celebrations will also mark the re-opening of the Edinburgh Law School’s world-leading research centre in the University’s historic Old College after a major refurbishment.
The state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities will pay homage to the original building design and will deliver a world-class platform for the intersection of research fields that underpin the promotion and protection of human rights.
This conference presents a fantastic opportunity for our students to meet the wider academic, research and practioner global community in human rights, as we celebrate moving into our new Law School.
International outlook
The AHRI is a network of 55 member institutions from 33 different countries that carries out research and educational activities in the field of human rights. AHRI’s objective is to bring together human rights researchers from across the disciplines, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaboration, and to promote research, education and discussion in the field.
The Global Justice Academy is an interdisciplinary network and member of the AHRI that supports research, teaching and knowledge exchange on global justice issues.
It seeks to build on, consolidate and expand the work of existing centres and collaborations at the University of Edinburgh in the areas of human rights, urban justice, gender justice, social justice, and relating to conflict.