College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Experts discuss refugee crisis on podcast

The refugee and migrant crisis is the focus of the latest of the University’s Big Idea podcasts.

Three experts look at the underlying causes for the displacement of millions of people from their homes in countries such as Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Somalia, what effect this is having on Europe, and ask whether the UK is doing enough.

The Syrian civil war

Dr Thomas Pierret, lecturer in contemporary Islam, examines one of the main reasons for the current crisis: the civil war in Syria.

Dr Pierret considers the role of so-called Islamic State in the conflict and explains the varied responses of Syria’s neighbours to refugees.

How the crisis is changing Europe

Dr Steve Kirkwood, an expert on asylum, looks at the language used in the debate around refugees and whether they can be integrated into the countries that take them in.

Nina Perkowski from Politics and International Relations discusses how the crisis could challenge the European Union’s foundations and the motivations behind Germany’s embrace of refugees.

The Big Idea

This podcast is part of the Big Idea series, a monthly show featuring academics discussing contemporary issues and sharing their research and expertise.

As well as being an accessible way for the public to hear about the University’s work, the Big Idea is also a forum for academics to meet colleagues from different areas, share ideas, and gain media training in a studio setting.

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