There are a number of bodies and committees which govern and advise the University.
The University Court
The University Court is the University’s governing body and is the legal persona of the University.
Senatus Academicus
The Senatus Academicus is the most senior academic committee of the University.
The Senatus meets physically three times a year, and also conducts business electronically. It superintends and regulates the teaching and discipline of the University and has the power to promote research.
The University Principal chairs the Committee. Some members are elected to the committee whereas others are members ex-officio (Professors, Vice Principals, Heads of College, etc).
The General Council
The General Council consists of graduates, academic staff, current and former University Court members.
Through its Business Committee it plays an advisory role to Court in the governance of the University.
The Council elects the Chancellor of the University and has three Assessors on the University Court.
University committees
The University’s committee structure is an important part of its governance processes.
Full details can be found in the Governance section of the University’s Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Governance and Legal Services
Further information on the governance of the University is available from Governance and Legal Services.
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