NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE)
Traffic in Asia

Funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), RESPIRE is a Global Health Research Unit focusing on respiratory health in Asia.

The RESPIRE team includes partners from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom.

Two Malaysian individuals greet each other wearing face masks

Programme 1 of our research focuses on communicable respiratory diseases, including developing and implementing health interventions.

Asian family in farmland

Programme 2 of our research focuses on non-communicable respiratory diseases which develop and worsen over time.

Asian street traffic pollution

Programme 3 of our research looks at preventable risk factors of respiratory conditions, such as poor air quality and tobacco smoking.

Platform I focuses on how we work with partners to promote shared understanding and develop effective, reciprocal and ethical working relationships.

Platform III focuses on maximising the uses that research data can be put to, in safe and secure ways.

Platform II focuses on increasing the number of health professionals and researchers who are trained to undertake high quality respiratory research.

Platform IV seeks to strengthen rapid innovation capacity among multiple stakeholders, including government, stakeholder and community engagement groups and academia.

Senjuti Saha on stage at Goalkeepers 2019

Learn about our the impact that RESPIRE had on the world during the first phase of our funding, known as 'RESPIRE 1'.