Molecular Epidemiology Group Meeting Comes to Edinburgh
Pathways to improving population health: bringing together industry, academia, patients and policymakers
The Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG-UK) was founded in 1996 as an interest group within the United Kingdom Environmental Mutagen Society. MEG-UK aims to foster multi-disciplinary links between epidemiologists, data and informatics, molecular biologists, biochemists, geneticists, toxicologists, pathologists, nutritionists, clinician scientists, public health scientists and others studying the role of environmental and genetic factors in the aetiology of diseases. MEG-UK thus represents a forum for communication among researchers from diverse fields and aims to bring the best methodologies to bear on the study of the causes and prevention of human disease. MEG recognises that advances in technology provide opportunities and challenges that requires multidisciplinary teams. This now also includes informatics and data science that is becoming so prevalent in epidemiology.
Bursaries available
A number of bursaries for early career researchers and prizes for best poster and oral presentations will be available.
Keynote speakers
- Professor Cathie Sudlow | Director of the British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre, University of Edinburgh:
The BHF Data Science Centre @ Health Data Research UK: how we can help you with population-based research
- Professor Amanda McCann | Chair of the UCD Patient Voice in Cancer Research (PVCR) committee, University College Dublin:
The patient voice in cancer research
- Dr Michael Cook | Executive Director of Epidemiology, Our Future Health
Our Future Health: a new UK-wide health research programme
On behalf of my colleagues in Edinburgh and UK-MEG, we invite you to join us and enjoy Edinburgh at the Holiday season. After not meeting for over 2 years, we are so looking forward to meeting and connecting with colleagues across the UK and abroad.
More information
The Molecular Epidemiology Group UK Meeting will be held on Monday 28 November 2022, in John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh