Ziwen Sun

Research Associate and Design Tutor

  • Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  • OPENspace Research Centre
  • Edinburgh Futures Institute

Contact details



Room 2.013
76-78 Lauriston Pl
ECA Fire Station

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Dr Ziwen Sun is a Research Associate at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) and Design Tutor at the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA). 

His research focuses on Chinese walking urbanism, walkability, environment-behaviour interaction, socio-spatial practice and critical theory, which lies in the study between 'spatial forms' and 'urban life' in a broad context. 

Since 2016, Ziwen has been teaching architecture/landscape studios and supervising postgraduate dissertations at the University of Edinburgh. Also, he taught the architecture and urban planning programme at Newcastle University for 3 years. 

In addition, he found a Nine Days Studio, worked at the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, and undertook an architectural project of ‘Self-constructed Space Rashmon Gangxia’ at the Retumu Urban-Rural Institute. During the periods, he has received numerous prizes in practice.


Education background

2020, PhD Architecture (fully funded), ESALA, the University of Edinburgh, UK 

2015, MA Urban Design (Distinction), SSoA, the University of Sheffield, UK


Academic Activity

Peer reviewer for International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Taylor & Francis

Peer reviewer for Journal Cities & Health, Routledge, Taylor & Francis

Initiator for Walking Practice Workshop (research fieldwork, seminar & pedagogy), cooperated with Harbin Institute of Technology, Tongji University, Yuncheng University, Newcastle University, HeilongJiang Institute of Urban Planning, Suihua Planning Department and Yuncheng Government

Consultant for professional services with the China Transport Program LEZ/CC, World Resources Institute

Co-organiser for Mobility Mood and Place Co-Design Workshop, British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Stirling, UK

Researcher for ‘Rashomon Gangxia’ project, Retumu Urban Rural Institute, Shenzhen


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Associate of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (ARIAS)

Member of the CSUS Healthy City Academic Committee, China

Undergraduate teaching

BArch Architectural Studio: Art and Design

Postgraduate teaching

MLA Landscape Planning Studio

MSc Landscape Design for Health and Wellbeing Course

MSc Dissertations 

Research summary

Walking urbanism and public space

Everyday performance and affordance

Socio-spatial practice and co-/re-appropriating space