Tom Mole (FRHistS)

Professor of English Literature and Book History, Director of the Centre for the History of the Book


Tom Mole is Professor of English Literature and Book History, and Director of the Centre for the History of the Book. He studied at the University of Bristol and has worked at the University of Glasgow, the University of Bristol and at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. In 2013 he was a fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University.  His most recent book, What the Victorians Made of Romanticism (2017), won the Saltire Society Research Book of 2018 and the Dorothy Lee Prize, and was commended for the DeLong Prize.

Research summary

Tom specialises in literature of the Romantic period in Britain, especially the poetry of Lord Byron. He is interested in Book History and Print Culture, the cultural history of celebrity, periodical writing, and reception history.

The Centre for the History of the Book, which Tom directs, was established in 1995 as an international and interdisciplinary centre for advanced research into all aspects of the material culture of the text - its production, circulation, and reception from manuscript to electronic text.

Project activity

Tom is currently writing a book, provisionally entitled The Secret Life of Books, about the things we do to books and the things they do to us.