Dr Tim Wilkinson

Senior Clinical Research Fellow


I am a consultant neurologist at NHS Lothian and a senior clinical research fellow within the Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain at the University of Edinburgh.

I studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, subsequently completing neurology training in South East Scotland. I was awarded an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship to carry out my PhD (thesis title: Predicting dementia: insights from routinely-collected healthcare data). I have subspeciality training in cognitive neurology, and completed a post-CCT fellowship in Cognitive and Movement Disorders under the supervision of Dr Mario Masellis and Dr Sandra Black at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto in 2022-2023. I returned to the University of Edinburgh in 2023 to take up a joint academic and clinical post.


  • 2020: PhD Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh
  • 2019: PGDip Epidemiology, LSHTM
  • 2013: MRCP (Edin), Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
  • 2013: MSc Translational Medicine, University of Edinburgh
  • 2010: MBChB (Hons), University of Edinburgh
  • 2007: BMedSci(Hons), University of Edinburgh

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

My research centres around two main themes:

1. The use of routinely-collected health data to study dementia risk factors and prognosis.

2. Clinical trials in the vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia.

I developed and validated algorithms to identify dementia cases from primary care, hospital admissions and mortality data within UK Biobank and co-created the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Databank Dementia electronic Cohort (SAIL-DeC), a research-ready cohort comprised of routinely-collected health data for the population of Wales, UK.