Suling Chen (PhD student)

Thesis title: A Foucauldian-informed Discourse Analysis of Creativity in College English Teaching in China


Suling Chen currently is a Ph.D. researcher who specializes in creative teaching and teaching for creativity in language education, intercultural communication in second language education, and critical approaches to language teaching. Chen has experience working at the tertiary level of English education in China.    


BA in English (Sichuan International Studies University)

MSc in TESOL (University of Edinburgh)

Currently: Ph.D. Education Candidate (University of Edinburgh)

Research summary

  • Creative teaching
  • Teaching for creativity
  • Creative learning
  • Critical pedagogy
  • Critical discourse analysis
  • Multimodal critical discourse analysis

Current research interests

I am currently inquiring into the dominant discourse of creativity in English education at the tertiary level in the Chinese context, and the way it is established and sustained through examining the underlying ideologies and power relations.

Past research interests

Washback in language testing (MSc TESOL dissertation)

Invited speaker

Suling, Chen. (2023). Methodological Challenges in Using China's Social Media Data. Rapid talk accepted by The 2023 BAAL SIG Language and New Media Research Seminar: New Dialogues and Frontiers

Book Review:

Suling Chen. (2022) Review of Understanding multimodal discourses in English language teaching textbooks: Implications for students and practitioners.

Journal link:

PDF link: