Dr Stephanie Adams

Associate Tutor


​​​​​​My main area of research and expertise focuses on developing, delivering and evaluating health messaging/educational programming for a range of stakeholder groups, primarily on the topics of concussion and physical activity for health.

I have a background in neuro- and developmental psychology, and a general interest in policy, health communications, entrepreneurship and public speaking. 

I lead the 'ConcussEd research and knowledge exchange group' on concussion. This is a multidisciplinary stakeholder group with representation from both local and national level.


  • PhD Concussion Education, University of Edinburgh
  • MSc (Hons) Human Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Edinburgh
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology, Acadia University, Canada

Responsibilities & affiliations

Current project grants

2020: £18K Wellcome iTPA Accelerator Fund. 'Scaling up a concussion education and best practice package to promote health and well-being'. Lead Applicant.

2020: £5K Wellcome iTPA Award. 'ConcussEd'. Primary Investigator.

Past project grants

2019: £1K - Wellcome iTPA Competition Fund. 'ConcussEd'. Primary Investigator.

2019: £1.5K - School Seedcorn funding. 'An interdisciplinary Think Tank to Prioritize & Co-Develop the Concussion Research Agenda'. Primary Investigator.

2017: £5K - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) Knowledge Exchange & Impact Grant. 'G-Force: A Smartphone Application to Improve Concussion Knowledge Exchange and Attitudes in Motor Sport. Co-Investigator.

2015-2018: £50K+ - Principals Career Development & Edinburgh Global Awards.