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Name Role Business unit(s)
Paul Milligan IRR Administrator
Andrew Millington Learning Applications Development Team Manager
Lisa Mills CVS Admin Support
Nicholas Mills British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology | Consultant Cardiologist | Lead for Data-Driven Innovation in Health and Social Care
Rachael Mills Wellbeing Adviser
Sam Mills Research Support Administrator
Garry Milne Software Developer
Graeme Milne Animal care Technician
Lynsey Milne Data Manager
Richard Milne
Timothy Milnes Professor of Romantic Literature and Philosophy
James Minchin Senior Lecturer
Patrick Miner
Casey Minta Subject Academic Support Officer
Emily Minter
Ana Miranda Development Manager - Livestock Data for Decisions
Juan José (JJ) Miranda Digital Services: Learning Technologist
Julie Miranville
Yaser Mirdamadi The God Who Talks without Word: the Problem of Revelation in Modern Muslim Theology; a Philosophical Appraisal of Soroushaian Theory of Revelation
Daniel Mirman Senior Lecturer