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Name Role Business unit(s)
Erden Goktepe Challenging Authority in Turkish Films: The 1980 Coup d’état
Dr Paweł Gola Lecturer
Sanford Goldberg
Dr Paul Goldie Lecturer in Learning in Communities
Pauline Golding Teaching Fellow - MPH (online)
Lisa Golds
Dr Sarah Goldsmith Chancellor’s Fellow; The history of masculinity, gender and the body
Sarah Golightly Postgraduate Research Support Officer
Pepe Gomez Teaching Fellow
Andres Gomez Rodellar
Esther Gomez Soto Emergency and Critical Care Resident
Ms Francisca Goncalves Lecturer in Equine Practice
Tia Gong PhD Psychology
Xue Gong
Mr. Yifan Gong
Zaniah Gonzalez Galofre Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lina González Gordon PhD Student
Esther González Hernando
Sebastián González Itier The Influence of Film Festivals in Chilean Cinema
Laura Gonzalez Rienda PPI Research and Operations Assistant