Ruth Forrester

Lecturer in Mathematics Education


After teaching for a number of years in school, I came to the university initially to work in the Edinburgh Centre for Mathematical Education. I now work part time in the School of Education (0.8fte) and part time in the School of Mathematics (0.2fte). I can confirm that 0.8+0.2>1!


MSc by Research (Education) University of Edinburgh (2007)

Diploma in Education (Dip Ed) University of Glasgow (1986)

PGCE (Mathematics and Economics) Jordanhill College of Education (1986)

MA (Hons) Mathematics (with Economics) University of Edinburgh (1985)

Undergraduate teaching

I teach on the following courses:

  • Educational Studies 1b
  • Primary Studies 1
  • Mathematics in Primary Education
  • Primary Studies 3
  • Developing as a Mathematics Educator
  • Problem Solving in Primary School Mathematics
  • PGDE(Primary) - maths strand
  • Educational Studies 4

Postgraduate teaching

  • MSc TLT: Numeracy Learners and Learning

Research summary

  • mathematical education
  • beginning teachers' evolving beliefs about learning and teaching mathematics