James Gaston

Thesis title: Saturating a Disenchanted World: De Lubac, Balthasar, Marion and the Call for a Theological Aesthetic


MTS in Theology and Ethics, Summa Cum Laude (Duke Divinity School, 2019)

BA in Philosophy and Religion, Magna Cum Laude (Christopher Newport University, 2017)

Research summary

James is interested in integrating ressourcement theology, sacramental theology, phenomenology, ontology and theological aesthetics to help alleviate the flattening and disenchantment of western post-Enlightenment Protestantism, particularly Evangelicalism.

Current research interests

Philosophical theology, phenomenology, ressourcement theology, ecclesiology, sacramentology, patristic theology, Christian education, practical theology and ethics.

Past research interests

Spiritual pilgrimage, modern theology, Christian existentialism, black theology, iconography

Past project grants

Recipient of Christopher Newport University's Honors Program Grant: Modern Pilgrimage in America

Papers delivered

"On Christian Joy" (Hoaglund Conference, Christopher Newport University, 04/2017)

Gaston, James. “Hidden Life.” The Novel Project. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2021. https://sites.duke.edu/novelproject/archives/category/subject/hidden-life

------. “Kierkegaard and King: How Does Agapic Love Confront the Dangers of Christian Nationalism?” EON Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2, no. 1 (January 2024): 32-47. https://eonjournal.org/jahss/assets/files/1706160539.pdf