Professor Noel Entwistle

Professor Emeritus


Was the Bell Professor of Education in the University of Edinburgh from 1978 until 2005 and previously Professor of Educational Research in the University of Lancaster. Original degree in physics, taught physics fro three years before moving into educational research at the University of Aberdeen where I obtaoned a PhD in educational psychology. Subsequently, Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Society for Research into Higher Education an the Scottish Council for Resarch in Education. Honary doctorates from Gothenburg and Turku. Editor of the British Journal of Educational Psychology and the international journal, Higher Education.

Research summary

Research interests include:

  • student learning
  • educational psychology


  • Psychometrics (inventory design and quantitative analysis)
  • phenomenography (interviewing and qualitative analysis)

Project activity

Currently writing a book which covers the development of my research into student learning over a 35 year period.