Neill Martin

Head of Department, Senior Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology, Director of the European Ethnological Research Centre


BA (Hons), MA, PhD

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (Scotland)

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Senior Disability Co-ordinator, LLC
  • Member, LLC Senior Management Group
  • LLC Representative, College Recruitment and Admissions Strategy Committee
  • LLC Representative, College Study Abroad Progression Committee
  • Member, UnaEuropa Self-steering group on Cultural Heritage
  • Chair, LLC Year Abroad Working Group
  • Member, LLC Board of Examiners
  • Member, LLC Learning and Teaching Committee
  • CSS International Exchange Co-ordinator
  • Member, Scottish Government Cross-Party Parliamentary Committee on Scots

Undergraduate teaching

Course Organiser for

  • Visualising Scotland
  • The Supernatural World
  • Custom, Belief and Community
  • Traditional Drama


Contribute to

  • Ethnological Fieldwork Methods

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

  • non-narrative oral poetry
  • custom and belief, ritual
  • traditional drama
  • carnival and festive culture
  • invented traditions (especially in post-socialist Europe)
  • ritual language