Liz Colquhoun (MSc Pain Management, BSc Nursing, BSc (Hons) Immunology and Pharmacology, Certificate in Advanced Practice (Nursing))

Teaching Fellow, Senior Specialist Pain Nurse

  • MSc Clinical Management of Pain
  • NHS Tayside

Contact details



The Chancellor's Building
Edinburgh BioQuarter
49 Little France Crescent

Post code


Liz joined the Program Team as a Teaching Fellow in 2022. Liz has a clear commitment to lifelong learning.

Liz has worked clinically as a senior pain specialist nurse since 2005. Liz is an autonomous specialist practitioner: assessing patients; formulating care plans (including prescribing) and evaluating treatment options. Treatment plans and care are biopsychosocial in nature reflecting the care needs of a complex group of patients who often have overlying psychological distress and social influences.

Liz has led clinical audits and service improvement projects and has published several articles in peer reviewed journals reflecting this. 


MSc Pain Management, BSc Nursing Studies,  BSc (Hons) Immunology and Pharmacology, Certificate of Advanced Practice (Nursing)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Registered with Nursing and Midwifery Council since 2000

Research summary

Specific interest in the provision of transitional pain service and the management of phantom limb pain.