Professor Judy Robertson

Chair in Digital Learning


I am a computer scientist and learning technologist with an interest in interdisciplinary research. I am generally interested in methodologies for designing technology with and for children. I design and evaluate educational technology in real-world classroom settings by applying a user-centred design approach and rigorous methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative. I have explored the educational benefits of computer game authoring, and more recently examined the extent to which location-based games can increase school children’s physical activity. I was recently lead editor for the book "Equal Bite: Gender Equality in Higher Education" which is a crowd sourced recipe book about the University of Edinburgh's journey towards fairer working conditions for all. I am currently working on approaches to teacher education in computational thinking and data science.


BSc Hons in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (1st class) - University of Edinburgh

PhD in Artificial Intelligence - University of Edinburgh


Responsibilities & affiliations

 I am a Senior Member of the ACM and a Senior Fellow of the HEA.

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Current PhD students supervised

Mustafa Ciftcioglu

Giorgi Amirkhanashvili

Amy Rodger (Informatics)

Vidminas Vizgirda (Informatics)


Past PhD students supervised

Stuart Gray- Investigating the effectiveness of an active smart-phone game as a tool for measuring, tracking, and improving executive function in children

Eder Paula- Educational Robotics approaches developed in formal and informal educational settings and the influence in young learners’ career interest in STEM

Valentina Andries- Play Technology in a Children's Hospital

Research summary

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education  and critical AI Literacy
  • Data science education
  • Research methodologies with a realist slant

Past research interests

Technology for behaviour change Design, development and evaluation of serious games for education and health, primarily with children

Project activity

Data Education in Schools: