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Name Role Business unit(s)
Rie Shigemori Student Experience Assistant
Mono Shilondelo Small Animal Rotating Intern
Rota Shima
Akihiko Shimizu Teaching Fellow in Japanese
Michal Shimonovich Teaching Fellow
Henry Shiplee (PhD student)
Jefferson Shirley Data and Monitoring Officer
Josie Shirra Enquiry Management Assistant
Ms Charlie Shishodia Veterinary Nurse (Medical)
Alena Shmakova Research Fellow
Jamie Short Enquiry Management Assistant
Prof Niamh Shortt Dean of Diversity and Inclusion / Reader in Human Geography
Matt Shostak
Chenlin Shou
Talia Shoval
Anita Shukla HR Administrative Assistant
Anupama Shukla
Ekaterina Shurkova Teaching Fellow
Ekaterina Shurkova PhD Psychology
Ruby Siaudinyte Enquiry Management Assistant