Dr Jon Kelly

Laboratories Manager MHSES


Before taking an Access Course to allow a return to education, Jon worked in youth work supporting young people in areas of high social deprivation and those with additional support needs.

In 2007, Jon completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh investigating the biomechanics of cycling. Alongside this work, he also provided the Sport Science support to the Scottish Cycling Commonwealth Games squads and worked as a Coach Tutor and author of coaching materials for British Cycling. He also taught Biomechanics at various higher education institutions.

After completing the PhD, he then took up a role as Coaching and Development Manager at Scottish Cycling where he played a key role in change management and developing strategic planning in a rapidly expanding organisation. In 2009, he returned to academia to take up a role as Senior Technician at Queen Margaret University. Here, he provided support to Physiotherapy teaching and research including developing innovative software to automate the analysis of EMG data.

In 2011, he returned to the University of Edinburgh to take up the role of Senior Technician. He worked to expand the size of the Technical Services Team and the range and standard of services provided and was promoted to Lab Manager. In 2022, he led a review of Technical Services across the School and moved to his present role of Technical Services Manager, heading the team that provides specialist technical services for teaching, research and knowledge exchange work across campus.


Ph.D.: Title: ‘Time- Course of Kinetic and Kinematic adaptations in cyclists' pedalling technique with fatigue’, University of Edinburgh

Sport Science BSc (hons.), University of Sunderland

Research summary

Not currently employed in a research role but work with researchers to develop innovative research solutions. Some examples of work where I have been the main or sole developer;

  • Software to conduct time-frequency analysis of EMG data to automate the measurement of electromechanical delay
  • Software and hardware for measurement of co-ordination in a foot tapping test with frame running athletes
  • Underwater video system for aquatic research

Conference details

2019 University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, Title: 'The extent and value of technicians' contribution to learning and teaching'

2018 Institute of Science and Technology Conference, Title: 'The Technician Commitment: A practical workshop on Technicians making it happen'

2018 Conference to mark the University of Edinburgh becoming a signatory to the Technician Commitment, Title: 'TSSG, The Technician Commitment and me'

2017 HEaTED Scottish Regional Network event, Title: 'Visibility, outreach and professional development'

Invited speaker

2019 University of Edinburgh Technical Modern Apprentice promotional conference


2018 Conference to mark the University of Edinburgh becoming a signatory to the Technician Commitment

Sept. '22 - Dec. '22: NPA Data Science with Python and R, Edinburgh College

09/02/21, Working with and sensitive data, University of Edinburgh

24/08/20, Returning To The University Estate 2020, Cardinus Risk Management

18/05/20, Intermediate Python, DataCamp

15/05/20, Introduction to Python, DataCamp

07/05/20, Meshes in QTM, Qualisys

30/04/20, Real-time mocap with QTM Connect and SDKs, Qualisys

16/04/20, Functional Assessment Module for QTM, Qualisys

02/03/20, Using the trajectory editor in QTM, Qualisys

04/03/20, Data Carpentry for Social Scientists (including data cleaning (Open Refine), SQL, R),  EdCarp

15/01/20, Dealing with Data 2019: Collaboration Across the Nations: Managing, sharing and securing research data across space and time, University of Edinburgh

04/01/19, Defibrillator training, University of Edinburgh

04/09/19, First aid at work Annual Refresher, University of Edinburgh

28/02/19, Data protection in Research, University of Edinburgh

28/02/19, Data protection training, University of Edinburgh

28/02/19, Information Security Essentials, University of Edinburgh

29/01/19, First aid at work recertification, University of Edinburgh

01/02/18, Project planning essentials for technical staff, HEaTED

12/01/18, First aid at work, University of Edinburgh

05/12/17, Training on Qualisys, Qualisys

09/11/17, IOSH Managing safely, Harper Adams University

01/10/17, Dealing with Data 2017 Conference, University of Edinburgh

04/09/17, Unconscious Bias Workshop, University of Edinburgh

03/05/17, Managing your time, University of Edinburgh

05/04/17, Allocating, Monitoring and Supporting Work, University of Edinburgh

08/03/17, Safeguarding Privacy: An Introduction to Data Protection Legislation, University of Edinburgh

20/02/17, Practical COSHH Assessment, University of Edinburgh

25/05/16, Advanced Statistics for Scientitsts, Crawford Scientific

14/08/14, Leadership and Management Skills for Technical Staff, HEaTED

17/10/12, Introduction to Biosafety, University of Edinburgh

03/09/12, Access to Information: Data Protection and Freedom of Information, University of Edinburgh

27/06/12, Performance and Development Review/ Annual Review Training for Appraisers (Managers), University of Edinburgh

12/04/12, Laboratory Gas User Workshop, Proactive Gas Safety

05/04/12, Qualysis Users Training, Qualysis

01/10/11, Biological Waste, University of Edinburgh