Dr James Lamb

Lecturer in Digital Education


I teach on the MSc in Digital Education (Moray House) and MSc in Education Futures (Edinburgh Futures Institute). My current research focuses on the relationship between learning spaces and digital technologies, although I also write about sound within education research, and multimodal teaching and assessment. At the current time I am course organiser for the postgraduate courses 'Learning Spaces and Digital Technologies', 'The Future of Learning Organisations' and 'Education and Digital Cultures'.  I am a member of the Centre for Research in Digital Education, and the Hybrid Pioneers research group. I run the Elektronisches Lernen Muzik project which explores the relationship between music and learning, and a co-author of the Manifesto for Teaching Online.


PhD (University of Edinburgh), funded by ESRC

MSc with distinction (University of Edinburgh)

BA degree with distinction (Edinburgh Napier University)

Postgraduate teaching

I am course organiser for Learning Spaces and Digital Technologies, The Future of Learning Organisations, and Education and Digital Culture.

I also currently teach on Critical Issues in Digital Education, and Education Futures: Knowledge Integration and Project Planning Futures Project.

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

I am interested in supervising projects exploring any of the following areas:

  • Learning spaces (how digital technologies affect physical spaces of learning)
  • Sound in education
  • Multimodal teaching and assessment in higher education (although not language education)

Please look at my publications list and profile to establish whether I would be suitable to advise your project: https://www.james858499.net/publications.html


Current PhD students supervised

Edward Martin

Nick Hood

Conference details

Digital technologies and the configuration of learning space. Seminar for the Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh. 26 November 2020.


Text has been troubled. Seminar to launch the Manifesto for Teaching Online, with Hamish Macleod, Christine Sinclair and Amy Collier. 15 October 2020.


Lecture capture, topology, and the spatial and temporal arrangements of the university. Seminar associated with a special issue of European Education Research Journal. Online. 26 August 2020.


To Boldly Go! Multimodal Assessment and Feedback. Invited presentation at Centre for Multimodal Communication, Southern Denmark University, October 2018.


Multimodal assessment and feedback. Keynote presentation at Lancaster University's Digital Assessment & Feedback: People, Places & Spaces conference, 26 July 2018.


Exit the classroom! Mobile Learning & Teaching. Poster presentation at Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, 20 June 2018. 


'Making research visual' with Making Research Visible, organised by the Knowledge Exchange Office, 6 June 2018


'The Mobile Campus: Imagining The Future of Distributed and Digital Education at The University of Edinburgh', Festival of Creative Learning, University of Edinburgh, 23 February 2018


'Multimodality, assessment and language education'. Workshop at University of Leeds School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, 27 January 2018


'Digital, multimodal, creative meaning-making'. Within the Digital Transformations of Creative Meaning-Making event, University of Edinburgh, 24 November 2017  


'Stories of Transformative Multimodal Assessment', Scottish International Festival of Storytelling, Edinburgh, 25 October 2017 


'Multimodality and Mobile Learning in Bremen', at The 3rd Bremen Conference on Multimodality, 20 September 2017. Co-author with Michael Sean Gallagher.


'Multimodality and Assessment' at Interweaving 2017, University of Edinburgh, 5 September 2017.


'Constructing Meaning beyond Words: Multimodality, Assessment and Architecture', at The Visual and Multimodal Forum, Institute of Education, University College London, 27 April 2017. 


'The Sonic Spaces of Online Distance Learners', University of Edinburgh. Online seminar for staff at University Edinburgh, with Michael Sean Gallagher, April 2017.


'Searching for meaning beyond words: digital multimodal assessment'. Seminar for the Assessment, Learning and Digital Education course on the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. February 2017.


'Wondering about the city: making meaning in Edinburgh's Old Town'. Seminar for the Centre for Research in Digital Education at the University of Edinburg, 18 November 2016.


'Sights, Sounds, Smartphones: Impromptu learning in the streets of Amsterdam'. Conference presentation at Visualizing the Street, ASCA Cities Project, Amsterdam, 6 June 2016. Co-author with Jeremy Knox. 


'Acts of interpretation: tutor experiences of multimodal meaning-making in digital environments'.


At Multimodality in Social Media and Digital Learning Environments, British Association of Applied Linguistics, London, 15 April 2016. 'Composing assessment in the multimodal classroom'. Webinar for Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning programme, 15 June 2015. Slides available here.


'Look, Listen, Learn: using audio and visual data to understand the learning spaces of online distance students'. Webinar for Edinburgh University's Online Tutoring course, 30 March 2015. Co-author with Michael Sean Gallagher. Slides available here.


Urban Flanerie as Multimodal Autoethnography’. At Multimodality: Methodological Explorations, London, 15 January 2015. Co-author with Jeremy Knox and Michael Sean Gallagher. 

'Context and criticality in course design: using digital technology to support academic transition into university'. At the 23rd European Access Network Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 3 June 2014. Co-author with Alice Smith.


'Transforming space into place: intimacy and multimodality in digital learning environments.' Webinar for Edinburgh University's Online Tutoring course, 8 April 2014. Co-author with Michael Sean Gallagher. ​


‘Theory into practice: online assessment and feedback with the Learning Skills course on the LEAPS Summer School’. At the Scot-ELAs Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 3 May 2013. ​


‘‘Campus envy’ and ‘being at university’: the geographies of education on the internet’’. Conference presentation at The 13th Annual Conference of The Association of Internet Researchers, Salford, 19 October 2012. Co-author with Sian Bayne.


‘New geographies of learning: distance education and being ‘at’ Edinburgh’ (co-presenter). Conference presentation at Spaces of Dislocation, Glasgow, 24 May 2012. Co-author with Clara O'Shea.

Invited speaker

To Boldly Go! Multimodal Assessment and Feedback. Invited presentation at Centre for Multimodal Communication, Southern Denmark University, October 2018.

Multimodal assessment and feedback. Keynote presentation at Lancaster University's Digital Assessment & Feedback: People, Places & Spaces conference, 26 July 2018.