Jackie Aim (MSc, BA (Hons))
Interactive Content Developer
- Digital Learning Applications & Media (DLAM)
- Learning, Teaching and Web Division
- Information Services Group
Contact details
- Street
Argyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street
The University of Edinburgh
Level H West - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH3 9DR
08:00-16:00, Monday to Friday
Project activity
Jackie is involved in a range of content development, design and e-learning development projects for staff and students within the University as well as external clients. Main areas covered are:
- Content development
- HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3, Tumult Hype, Adobe Animate, Adobe Flash, Blender
- animations, quizzes, illustrations, virtual patients, 3D modelling
- Website design
- visuals
- Audio and video media production
- editing, publishing
Recent projects list
- STARs: Advancing Modules: Management of Tone & Spasticity After Stroke: A Role for Everyone - Healthcare module aimed at nurses CPD. The specific aims of this module are to explore the clinical presentations of abnormal muscle tone, gain understanding of its nature, causes and solutions from physical, functional, medical and psychological perspectives.
- Hearte: Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest: a Resource for Responders - Healthcare website providing advice and support for responders of out of hospital cardiac arrest.