Imogen Peebles

Thesis title: The impact of peer relationships on eating disorder recovery in inpatient settings


I was introduced to Psychology at Bangor Univeristy, where I completed my Undergraduate degree. I stayed on  and completed my MSc in Clinical and Health psychology. 

After leaving North Wales, I returned to London and worked as a Healthcare assistant at Ellern Mede, a specialist eating disorder hospital. There I developed my interest in eating disorders and was able to gain clinical experience.  

At the beginning of 2020, I moved to Edinburgh and began working as an assistant psychologist in the Eating Disorder Development Team in CAMHS NHS Lothian. I started my PhD in September 2020. The primary focus of my PhD is peer relationships in the context of inpatient treatment between young people with eating disorders.  

In addition, I have worked on research projects with the University of Edinburgh Eating Disorders and Behaviours Research Group looking at the impact on and experiences of individuals with eating disorders and public health policy (i.e., COVID 19 pandemic, Calories on Menus policy). 



Psychology BSc Bangor University (First class Hons)

Clinical and Health Psychology MSc Bangor University (Distinction)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Assistant psychologist at CAMHS NHS Lothian

Research summary

I am interested in mental health, primarily with a child and adolescent population. Specifically, my research interest is in eating disorders and interpersonal relationships. I wish to research the aetiology of eating disorders, their maintenance and the development of clinical interventions. 


Current research interests

Child and adolescent mental health, Eating disorders, Interpersonal relationships, Peer relationships, Clinical interventions

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

PhD: Peer relationships in the context of inpatient settings for young people with eating disorders. 

Conference details

  • Poster 'Experiences of inpatient eating disorder admissions: A systematic review and meta-synthesis' at National Research Scotland Mental Health Network Annual Scientific Meeting 30th October 2023 


  • Short paper presentation of 'Experience of inpatient eating disorder admissions: A systematic review and meta-synthesis' at Eating Disorders International Conference March 2022


  • Paper presentation of 'Thematic analysis of mechanisms underpinning peer support for young people with eating disorders' at The International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) hosted by Academy of Eating Disorders June 2021

Peebles, I., Cronje, J. L., Clark, L., Sharpe, H., & Duffy, F. (2023). Experiences of inpatient eating disorder admissions: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Eating Behaviors,

Duffy, F., Peebles, I., Maloney, E., Robertson, M. D., & Sharpe, H. (2023). Individuals with restrictive eating disorders' experience of the introduction of calories on menus in England: An interpretative phenomenological analysis study. European Eating Disorders Review, 

Peebles, I., Brown, B., Juster, E., & Duffy, F. (2022). Thematic analysis of mechanisms underpinning email peer support for young people with eating disorders. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, .

Brown, S., Opitz, M. C., Peebles, A. I., Sharpe, H., Duffy, F., & Newman, E. (2021). A qualitative exploration of the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with eating disorders in the UK. Appetite, 

Sharpe, H., Newman, E., Robertson, M. D., Opitz, M. C., Peebles, I., & Duffy, F. (2022). An 8-month longitudinal exploration of body image and disordered eating in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eating Behaviors, 

Sharpe, H., Newman, E., Robertson, M., Opitz, M. C., Peebles, I., & Duffy, F. (2022). Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on eating behaviours in the general public and an eating disorder population.