Fraser Sneden

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Image Analysis


I studied cellular neuroscience at the University of Dundee, before developing an interest in the use of medical imaging in research in my Honours project. I moved to study a Masters degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging, studying brain image analysis on structural and functional MRI. Since 2018, I studied for a PhD in Cardiovascular Science at the University of Glasgow, using MRI to investigate carotid-brain interactions in people with stroke, and evaluating putative treatment effects of allopurinol induction on carotid atherosclerosis. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Image Analysis in Professor Joanna Wardlaw's group, where I am involved in brain image segmentation methods in different clinical studies. 


  • PhD Cardiovascular Sciences (viva pending), University of Glasgow (2018-22)
  • MSc(Res) Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging, The University of Sheffield (2016-17)
  • BSc(Hons) Neurosciences, University of Dundee (2012-16)

Research summary

I am interested in the use of structural neuroimaging in stroke and dementia, and understanding cognitive ageing in population based studies. I am involved in a few studies, mainly Lothian Birth Cohort 1936, SVDS@Target and Mild Stroke Study 3.

Past research interests

My previous research involved investigating links between carotid MR angiography, small vessel disease and cognition in stroke patients, the effect of allopurinol induction on carotid atherosclerosis, and the biological bases of processing speed deficits in Alzheimer's disease.