Emanuela Patti

Lecturer in Italian, RSE Personal Research Fellow 2024-2025

  • Italian section
  • Department of European Languages and Cultures
  • School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

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  • (on research leave until 31st December 2025) please contact me by email


Emanuela Patti is currently the recipient of a RSE Personal Research Fellowship for the project 'David Rizzio: History and Myth Across Arts and Media' (2024-2025).

Patti holds an MA in Comparative Literature from UCL and a Ph.D. in Italian Studies from the University of Birmingham. After her doctoral studies, she was Senior Research Fellow in the collaborative AHRC-funded research project 'Interdisciplinary Italy 1900-2020: interart/intermedia'. Prior to joining the University of Edinburgh in 2021, she held teaching appointments in Italian language and culture at the University of Exeter, University of Wales (Bangor), University of Cagliari, Institute of Modern Languages Research (School of Advanced Study, University of London), University of Birmingham, and Royal Holloway, as well as visiting and honorary positions at various institutions, including the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Open University in Barcelona.  She was also Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at Bournemouth University in 2014-2015.

Patti is a scholar of Italian literature and culture and her research lies at the intersection of literary, media, and cultural studies. A significant part of her research focuses on the circulation of themes, stories, and characters across arts and media from the Middle Ages to the present. She is particularly interested in phenomena of reception, appropriation, representation, fictionalisation across time and cultures. Her methodology thus draws upon theories of intermediality and  transmediality which she has contributed to develop. Her research received prestigious grants from the AHRC and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. She has given invited talks at 50+ academic events internationally, including at Oxford University, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at NYU, UCL, University of Birmingham, Brown University, University of Bergen, University of Leeds, John Cabot University.

Patti has published extensively on Pier Paolo Pasolini, with a special focus on his reception of Dante and medieval culture, including the monograph 'Pasolini after Dante. The Divine Mimesis and the politics of representation' (Legenda, 2016),  and the edited volume 'La nuova gioventù? Saggi sull'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini' (Joker, 2009). In 2022, she organised and edited the series of distinguished video lectures 'Pasolini and the classics' for Pasolini's 100th anniversary, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh and Filmhouse, Edinburgh.

She has also worked on Italian digital culture, publishing widely on experimental literature developed at the intersection between literary forms and digital media, including the monograph 'Opera aperta. Italian electronic literature from the 1960s to the present' (Peter Lang, 2022) - which is the runner-up of the N.Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism in Electronic Literature 2023; two special issues 'Experimental narratives: from the novel to digital storytelling' (Comparative Critical Studies, 2016) and 'Reading practices in experimental narratives: a comparative perspective across cultures' (Romance Studies, 2016), and the co-edited volume, with Clodagh Brook, 'Transmedia. Storia, memoria e narrazioni attraverso i media' (Mimesis, 2014). With her research, she has especially explored the digital turn in Italian Studies - she has co-written, with Guyda Armstrong, the article 'Italian Studies and the Digital' for Italian Studies (Vol. 75, 2020),  she has written the articles 'Digital literacy and modern languages: how to make a digital video' for Modern Languages Open (2020) and 'Applying Humanities Approaches to Digital Investigation in Italian Studies' for The Italianist 42(3), and she is co-editing, with Massimo Riva, the volume 'The digital turn in Italian Studies' (forthcoming with Peter Lang, 2026). 

Patti was the editorial co-director of 'The International Journal of McLuhan Studies', senior editor of the journal of 'Romance Studies' and the Peter Lang book series 'Cultural Memories'. She has served on the editorial boards of five specialist journals and acted as a peer-reviewer for Modern Italy, Modernity/Modernism, Between, Journal of Romance Studies, PMLA, Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, The Italianist, Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image, Umanistica digitale, Peter Lang, Palgrave Macmillan. She has also been an advisor of national research councils, including the Funding Scheme OPUS (National Science Center, Poland) and the Italian Valutazione della Qualita della Ricerca (VQR).


MA Comparative Literature (UCL) 

PhD Italian Studies (University of Birmingham)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Administrative and leadership roles at LLC

  • Director of EDI, 2023-2024
  • Year Abroad Coordinator (Italian), 2023-2024
  • UG Cohort Lead, Y3, Y4

External leadership roles 

  • Society for Italian Studies, Executive Committee Member (Digital Strategy Portfolio Holder), 2019-
  • UNA EUROPA, Chair in Humanities, 2021-2022
  • LAPH, Chair in Italian, 2013

Awards and Honours

  • RSE Personal Research Fellowship, 2024-2025
  • CAHSS Awards Nomination for ‘Inspiring colleague’, 2024
  • Outstanding Course, Visualizing Boccaccio's Decameron Across Arts and Media (nomination), Edinburgh University Students' Association Teaching Awards, 2024
  • Outstanding Course, Decentering Medieval and Renaissance Italy (nomination), Edinburgh University Students' Association Teaching Awards, 2023
  • N.Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism in Electronic Literature 2023, runner-up
  • RSE Workshops Grant, 2023
  • Honorary Research Associate, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2019-2022
  • AHRC Senior Research Fellowship, 2015-2018
  • Honorary Research Fellowship, Italian Studies, University of Birmingham, 2014-2015
  • Institute Fellowship, IMLR, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2014-15
  • Visiting Professorship and Fellowship, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, UOC, 2010-11
  • AHRC Doctoral Award, 2005
  • PhD School of Humanities scholarship, University of Birmingham, 3 years tuition, 2003-2005
  • ISEP Fellowship, University of Exeter, UK/University of Urbino, Italy, accommodation and stipend, 1999-2000

External Examiner

  • Cardiff University, 2022-2026, UG&PG Programmes
  • Universidad de Chile, 2021, Viva, PhD programme

Invited teaching in summer and winter schools:

  • Università Roma Tre, Winter School "Tran(s)missions: how multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research" (2023)
  • Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini, Summer School "Pasolini e la cultura medievale" (2021)
  • Università Roma Tre, Summer School "Tran(s)missions: how multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research" (2021)
  • Trinity College Dublin, Summer School "Interdisciplinary Italy" (2018)

Undergraduate teaching

  • The "other" in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Y1 module (Cultural Studies)
  • Italian Literature: Texts in Context, Y2 (Course coordinator)
  • Leopardi, Y2 module, sem 2,  (Italian Literature: Texts in Context)
  • Italian Language Paper 1, Y4 (Course coordinator)
  • Decentering Medieval and Renaissance Italy, Italian 4 Honours, Full Semester Option
  • Visualising Boccaccio’s Decameron Across Arts and Media, Italian 4 Honours, Full Semester Option

Postgraduate teaching

  • Digital Literature (Theories of Intermediality, MSc Intermediality)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

  • Modern and Contemporary Italian Culture
  • Identity and Otherness in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
  • Reception of Dante in Modern Italy
  • Intermediality/Transmediality
  • Experimental Literature (including Electronic/Digital Literature)
  • Digital Humanities and Digital Culture

Project activity

  • David Rizzio at the Scottish Court (funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh) | 2023
  • Rethinking Catharsis in the Age of the Metaverse (with Prof. Massimo Riva) | 2023-
  • Pasolini 100 | 2022 - 

Current project grants

ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH Personal Research Fellowship - "David Rizzio: History and Myth Across Arts and Media" (Principal Investigator)

ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH Research Workshops Grant (2022-2023) - "David Rizzio: An Italian at the Scottish Court" (Principal Investigator) [https://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-cultures/research/current-pro...
This project will explore the multifaceted figure of David Rizzio (1533-1566), also known as Davide Riccio, a key Italian figure in Scottish history and culture. In his late twenties, Rizzio came to Scotland as a member of a diplomatic mission from Savoy in 1561, and stayed at the Scottish Court, first as a musician, then as Mary Queen of Scots’ confidante and private secretary. He was murdered at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh by a group of Protestant lords including the Queen's husband, Lord Darnley. As a Catholic with strong relations with Papacy, Rizzio played a significant role in the scenario of religious conflicts which marked the Scottish Reformation. These reasons, together with the close relationship with Mary Queen of Scots, have made him a highly romanticised historical character, represented in the arts (painting, cinema, literature, theatre, music) for centuries.

Past project grants

Impact Fund, DELC, LLC: Project ‘David Rizzio at the Scottish Court’, documentary production + impact trip

Impact Fund, DELC, LLC: Project ‘VR narratives', impact start-up fund
Society for Italian Studies: Project ‘Pasolini 100’, series of distinguished lectures on ‘Pasolini and the classics’

AHRC Standard Grant Interdisciplinary Italy 1900-2020: interart/intermedia, Senior Research Fellowship
MHRA: Project ‘Experimental Narratives: from the Novel to Digital Storytelling’, conference grant

FIGS/UCL: Project ‘Memories of the Future’, conference grant

FIGS/UCL: Project ‘Literature and transmediality’, conference grant

CRASSH, University of Cambridge: Project ‘La nuova gioventù? The intellectual legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini, conference grant

Invited speaker

Invited Talks and Keynote lectures


Digital approaches to Medieval Italian Studies and Beyond, University of Durham, 12-13 June 2024

'Analysing digital literature through Umberto Eco's Opera aperta', Theories and practices of intermediality today, University of Edinburgh, 14-15 March 2024

'Rizzio: Life and Legacy at Court', Palace of Holyroodhouse, 8th March 2024 [public engagement]

Italian Teachers Day, organised by ISMLA and British Council, Francis Holland School, Ivor Place, London, 2nd March 2024


'L'opera aperta dalla Neoavanguardia alla convergenza digitale', International conference 'Il gruppo 63 e le arti', University of Bern, 16-17 November 2023

'David Rizzio at the Scottish Court', screening of documentary written and produced by Emanuela Patti, Italo-Scottish Society, Edinburgh, 14th November 2023

'Opera aperta. Italian electronic literature from the 1960s to the present', Italian Studies Colloquium, Brown University, 3rd November 2023

What if...? Catharsis, VR, and the power of changing (hi)stories, talk, international conference Rethinking Catharsis in Virtual Narratives, Brown University, 18th April 2023

Pasolini e Dante, talk, Italian Cultural Institute Osaka, 30 January 2023 [public engagement]

Reset Italy, talk, Italy by design seminar series organised by Federica Pedriali, University of Edinburgh, 25 January 2023


Frammenti di un discorso infernale: La Divina Mimesis di Pasolini, talk, Museo Divino, Naples, 21 December 2022 [public engagement]

Pasolini, autore internazionale, Il giovane Pier Paolo Pasolini in Friuli, talk, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti, London, 15 October 2022 [public engagement]

Balestrini cibernetico, talk, documentary exhibition Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 3rd July 2022 [public engagement]

Digital Literacy and Modern Languages. How to make a digital video, talk and tutorial, IIC Dublin, 12 March 2022 [public engagement]

Il realismo dantesco in Pasolini, Summer School Pasolini e la cultura medievale, lecture, Centro Studi “Pier Paolo Pasolini”, Casarsa della Delizia, 8-11 September 2022

Opera aperta. Italian electronic literature from the 1960s to the present, book launch, John Cabot University in Rome, 11 April 2022

Digital Lab of the AAIS conference in Bologna, workshop lead and talk,13 and 30 May 2022

Interview with visual poets Alain Arias-Misson and Lamberto Pignotti (Gruppo 70), international conference Engaged Visuality: The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 1960s and 1970s, Academia Belgica and Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Rome, 7-8 July 2022


Critical Digital Pedagogies for Modern Languages in Higher Education, talk, convened by Paul Spence (King’s College London) and Naomi Wells (Institute of Modern Languages Research), Institute for Modern Languages Research, 3 March 2021


Pasolini’s Intermediality. Creative Interventions Across Arts and Media, international conference, Metaphor, Spatiality, Discourse, Ovidius University of Costanta, 12-13 July 2019 (keynote lecture)

Pasolini After Dante. The ‘Divine Mimesis’ and the politics of representation, lecture, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York University, 9 March 2019 [video[public engagement]

Opera aperta. The Italian arts and the digital, Charles Colver Lecture, Brown University, 1 March 2019

Le riviste neoavanguardistiche degli anni Sessanta e Settanta in realtà aumentata, talk, international conference Il gesto poetico. Nuove prospettive di ricerca sull’arte verbovisuale, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, 8 February 2019 [public engagement]


Cultura alta e cultura bassa. L’impegno come pratica interlinguistica, intermediale, interdiscorsiva, lecture, Summer School Pier Paolo Pasolini e l’impegno nella cultura italiana del suo tempo, Casarsa della Delizia, 14-15 September 2018

The Politics of Art/The Art of Politics: 1968 in Italian Neo-Avant-Garde Reviews, International conference 1968 in reviews, University of Birmingham, 23 April 2018 (keynote lecture)

Performing Italian authorship in the digital age: plural identities and hybrid genres, talk, international symposium Multilingual Digital Authorship, Lancaster University, 8-9 March 2018

Gender politics and gendering politics: visual poetry and Italian neo-avant-garde, talk with Prof. Giuliana Pieri, creative workshop Donna/Frau/Femme/Mujer: women artists and activists, Royal Holloway, 2 March 2018.


L’ossessione dell’identità e la sua frantumazione: fluidità di genere e libertà d’essere in Petrolio, talk, international conference Petrolio, 25 anni dopo, Université Paris-Sorbonne, 5 October 2017

Digital Cultures and Modern Languages: Understanding Intermediality in The Digital Age, talk, international workshop Mapping Multilingualism and Digital Cultures, King’s College, 22 June 2017

On interconnections. Pasolini after Dante: the ‘Divine Mimesis’ and the politics of representation, international conference ‘L’ombra sua torna’: Dante, the twentieth century and beyond, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, 24 March 2017 (keynote lecture)


Pasolini after Dante, book launch, research seminar series, University of Leicester, 7 December 2016

Pasolini after Dante, book launch, research seminar series, UCL, 19 October 2016

Pasolini after Dante, book launch, research seminar series, University of Oxford, 10 February 2016

Pasolini after Dante, book launch, research seminar series, University of Birmingham, 19 January 2016


Experiment now. La letteratura italiana contemporanea nella prospettiva postmediale, international conference Incroci/Crossings, University of Bergen, 4-6 November 2015

La fortuna critica di Pasolini nel Regno Unito, talk, international conference La fortuna critica di Pasolini, Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini Casarsa della Delizia, Casarsa, Italy, 29-30 October 2015

Literary experimentalism in the digital age, talk, international symposium The Mechanic Reader. Digital methods for literary criticism, Centre for Comparative Studies, University of Siena, Certosa di Pontignano, 12-13 June 2015Pasolini, Dante and Gramsci, public talk at Bridport, 18 February 2015 [public engagement]

Transmedia. History, memory and storytelling across media, talk, Centre for Media History, public talks series, University of Bournemouth, 16 February 2015


Pasolini, Auerbach and the utopia of mimesis, talk, one-day symposium Crossing Borders: Pasolini and Marginality, Italian Cultural Institute, London, 31 October 2014 [public engagement]


Italian literature across borders: from Pasolini to transmedia storytelling, talk, director’s seminars, IMLR, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 6 November 2013

Interdisciplinarità e cultura convergente in Italia: letteratura, arti e nuovi media nell’era della riproducibilità digitale, talk, international workshop, Interdisciplinarità contemporanea italiana nell’era di Internet, as part of the AHRC-funded Network Project Interdisciplinary Italy. 1900-2015: music, art, text. Università di Roma Tre, 22 April 2013


Pasolini and the media, talk, graduate seminar, Italian Department, University of Cambridge, 31 January 2012


International Journal of McLuhan Studies, journal launch, international conference Come usare McLuhan nell’epoca delle reti, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze Sociali dell’Università del Salento, 14-15 December 2011

The Gutenberg Galaxy in the era of convergence culture, talk, graduate seminar, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Cataluña, November 2011

Dantean Postrealism in Pasolini, talk, international conference Corpus XXX. Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò, Department of Italian, University of Edinburgh/Italian Cultural Institute, UK, 12 May 2011

Pasolini, i media e la politica, talk, series of talks Attraverso Pasolini, organized by Silvia De Laude and Alberto Saibene, (other guests of previous appointments: Walter Siti, Nico Naldini, Marco Belpoliti), Libreria Utopia, Milano, Italy, 1 April 2011 [public engagement]

Post-realtà e rete nella letteratura italiana contemporanea, lecture, undergraduate seminar, Laboratorio di Scrittura Filosofica, University of Milan, Italy, 31 March 2011

Noi siamo in un sogno dentro un sogno: l’illusione della realtà nella rappresentazione cinematografica, talk, conference Epistemologia e fisiologia del cinema, University of Pisa, Italy, 11 March 2011

Riconoscere il pensiero critico di McLuhan, talk, roundtable McLuhan, 100 anni dopo, Casa della cultura, Milano, 14 December 2011 [public engagement]

Noi siamo in un sogno dentro un sogno’: the illusion of reality in film representation, talk, international conference Always Already New, NABA, Milan, Italy, 15-18 December 2011


We are a dream in a dream: the illusion of reality in film narratives, talk, graduate seminar, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Cataluña, Barcelona, December 2010

Nuova narrativa e social media: forme ibride di narrazione tra realtà finzionale e finzione reale, talk, roundtable Poesia, canzone, racconto: generi, forme, linguaggi, University of Cagliari, Italy, 22 April 2010   


Realismo e mimesis in Pasolini, talk, roundtable Una disperata vitalità. Pasolini trent’anni dopo (1975-2005), Aula Magna Istituto Statale d’Arte, Chiavari (GE), Italy, 29 September 2005 [public engagement]






The David Rizzio Project. History and myth Across Arts and Media, panel, SIS Biennial Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 21 June 2024

Linguistic inclusivity in second language acquisition, EDI session, SIS Biennial Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 21 June 2024


David Rizzio at the Scottish Court, Workshop 3, Italian Cultural Institute, 13th October 2023

A vile act: David Rizzio and Lord Darnley, a public lecture by best-selling historian Alison Weir, 13th October 2023

Rethinking Catharsis in the Age of the Metaverse, academic event, part of the Love Machine programme of events, Edinburgh Futures Institute, 28th April 2023 (video recording)

David Rizzio at the Scottish Court, Workshop 2, University of Edinburgh, 7th April 2023

David Rizzio at the Scottish Court, Workshop 1, University of Edinburgh, 17th March 2023


Shadow Plays, a lecture and installation by Prof. Massimo Riva, 22 June 2022, University of Edinburgh

60 years after Opera Aperta, roundtable organisation and chair at the Society for Italian Studies conference, with Prof. Massimo Riva, Giuditta Cinigliaro, Angelica Federici and Valeria Federici, 22 April 2022

Pasolini and the classics, series of distinguished lectures on the occasion of Pasolini 100 Anniversary, University of Edinburgh, March-December 2022 (programme)


Transcultural and translingual approaches to digital study, theme group, Disrupting Digital Monolingualism, 16-17 June 2020 (programme)


Intermedial cultural icons, panel at the conference Interart/Intermedia Experimentation in Italy Through the Ages, Royal Holloway, 12-13 April 2019

Digital culture studies in Modern Languages (with Giuliana Pieri), international symposium, Royal Holloway, University of London, 15 February 2019 (report)


1st Interdisciplinary Italy Summer School (with Clodagh Brook), summer school, Trinity College Dublin, 29-30 June 2018 (description and final programme)



Italy’s expanded cinema: cinema and the electronic arts, panel at the JCMS conference, Rome, 9-10 June 2017


Individual turns and aesthetic debates, panel at the conference Milan, crossroad of cultures, Milan, 22-23 September 2016


Literary experimentalism? From the literary heritage to digital storytelling, panel at the Biennial conference of the Society for Italian Studies, Oxford, 28-30 September 2015

Experimental narratives: from the novel to digital storytelling (with Jordana Blejmar, Sam Merrill and Godela Weiss-Sussex), international conference, IMLR, Senate House, London, 26-27 February 2015 (final programme)


Memories of the future (with Deborah Jaffe, Katia Pizzi and Stephen Wilson), international conference, UAL Chelsea/IMLR, Senate House, London, 2-3 May 2014 (description and final programme)

IMLR Seminar in Italian Studies Apocalittici ed integrati. Italian intellectuals and new technologies, with Florian Mussgnug (UCL), Charlotte Ross (Birmingham) and Pierpaolo Antonello (Cambridge), 1 May 2014

IMLR Seminar in Italian Studies Agamben, trauma and post-capitalist scenarios, ‘Italian Philosophy Seminar Series’, with Fabio Vighi (Cardiff), 7 April 2014

Amor che move by Manuele Gragnolati (Oxford) in conversation with Robert Gordon (Cambridge), Elena Lombardi (Oxford) and Emanuele Trevi (writer), Senate House, London, Senate House, London, 17 March 2014

IMLR Seminar in Italian Studies, Practising theory: the friction between critical theory and writing novels with Enrico Palandri (UCL) and Nicola Gardini (Oxford), 7 March 2014


Storia umana e inumana by Giorgio Pressburger, book launch, with Laura Lepschy (UCL), Emma Bond (St.Andrews) and Manuele Gragnolati (Oxford), Senate House, London 25 November 2013

Ending terrorism in Italy. Extremism and democracy by Philip Cooke and Anna Cento Bull, , book launch, with John Foot (Bristol University), Benedetta Tobagi (UCL) and Ilaria Favretto (Kingston), Senate House, London, 10 October 2013

Italian transmedia culture: stories and storytelling across media, panel at the Biennial conference of the Society for Italian Studies, Durham, 9-11 July 2013


Literature and transmediality (with Florian Mussgnug), one-day symposium at the Centre for Intercultural Studies, University College London, UK, 25 May 2012


Pasolini, tra identità e omologazione, interview with Goffredo Fofi, Cagliari, 9 November 2005

La nuova gioventù? The intellectual legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini 30 years on (with Laurence Hooper), international conference, Centre for Research in Arts Humanities and Social Sciences (CRAASH), Cambridge, UK, 4-5 November 2005

Trent’anni senza Pasolini, festival, Cagliari, Italy, 2-20 November 2005 (final programme in e-zine)

L’imperativo dell’espressività: Pasolini sperimentatore di linguaggi, national conference, Università di Cagliari, Italy, 10 November 2005





The David Rizzio Project. History and myth Across Arts and Media, SIS Biennial Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 21 June 2024


Opera aperta. Italian electronic literature from the 1960s to the present, AAIS conference, Bologna, 30 May 2022

Intermediality, DELC Research Seminars Series, 10 February 2022


Italian Studies and the Digital. How digital technologies are transforming our discipline, SIS Biennial Conference of Italian Studies, University of Edinburgh, 26-28 June 2019

Beyond computer screens. Projecting electronic images in public spaces, JICMS Conference, American University in Rome, 14-15 June 2019

Opera aperta. Italian Arts and the Digital, international conference Interart/Intermedia Experimentation in Italy Through the Ages, 12-13 April 2019

Creative interventions in the digital space. Explorations in intermedia criticism, international conference PressPlay2019, British School at Rome, 28-29 March 2019


The Italian Digital Avantgarde, panel Interdisciplinary Italy: interart/intermedia, AAIS Conference, Sorrento, 14-17 June 2018


Italy’s expanded cinema in practice: Gianni Toti and Studio Azzurro, JCMS Conference Innovations and tensions, Italian cinema and media in a global world, Rome, 9-10 June 2017


Literary experimentalism? From the literary heritage to digital storytelling, SIS Biennial Conference of Italian Studies, Oxford, 28-30 September 2016


Dopo il futuro: impegno ed immaginario politico nell’epoca del post-capitalismo, Compalit Conference L’immaginario politico: impegno, resistenza e ideologia, Bologna, Italy, 17-19 December 2014


Il romanzo nella Galassia Internet, SIS Biennal Conference of Italian Studies, Durham, UK, 7-11 July 2013


Literature and transmediality, one-day symposium Literature and Transmediality, UCL, London, 25 May 2012


The Gutenberg Galaxy in the Era of Convergence Culture (with Matteo Ciastellardi), international conference Then, Now, Next. McLuhan 100, McLuhan Programme in Culture and Technology, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 November 2011

Interview with the philosopher Massimo Cacciari, public event at the RENA Summer School on Buongoverno e cittadinanza responsabile, Matera, 31 August 2011


Lingua letteraria e lingua reale nell’opera di Salvatore Niffoi, AIPI Conference, University of Cagliari, Italy, 25-28 August 2010


The other side of reality in Pasolini and Fassbinder, international conference Pasolini and Fassbinder between utopia and nihilism, Department of European Studies of the University of Cardiff, UK, 25-26 April 2009

Petrolio, a model of UNO in Giuseppe Genna’s Italia De Profundis, SIS Biennal conference, University of London, Royal Holloway, UK, 16-19 April 2009


Da mimesis ad allegoria: postrealismo dantesco nell’opera pasoliniana, international conference Allegory in theory and practice, Department of Italian Studies of the University of Toronto and the Dipartimento di Filologia e Critica della Letteratura of the University of Siena, University of Toronto, Canada, 17-19 October 2008

Un documento del passaggio del pensiero: La Divina Mimesis di Pier Paolo Pasolini, AAIS/AITI conference, Taormina, 22-25 May 2008


Petrolio, scrittura della differenza. Memoria, storia, identità alla deriva, AIPI conference, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 23-27 August 2006

Mimesis. La volontà di Pasolini a essere poeta, AAIS/AITI conference, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy, 25-28 May 2006


A poetic idea: Pasolini’s project for a film about Saint Paul, international conference La meglio gioventù? The intellectual legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini 30 years on, Centre for Research in Arts Humanities and Social Sciences (CRAASH), Cambridge, UK, 4-5 November 2005

Il San Paolo di Pasolini: da ‘idea poetica’ a ‘film teologico’, SIS PG Colloquium, University of Cambridge, 16-17 April 2005

Dante as Pretext? The use of Allegory in Pasolini’s Petrolio, international conference Dialogue with tradition. Contemporary writers and literary heritage, University of Warwick, UK, 5 February 2005


Una commedia infernale. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma, SIS PG Colloquium, University of Leicester, 5 June 2004


Frammenti di un discorso infernale, SIS PG Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, 24 May 2003


L’erranza. La presenza tematica dell’esperienza erratica dantesca nell’opera di Tondelli, seminar on Pier Vittorio Tondelli La scrittura e la memoria. Dieci anni dopo, Centro di documentazione P.V. Tondelli, Correggio (RE), Italy, 14-15 December 2001 

Books published

  1. *Opera aperta. Italian Electronic Literature from the 1960s to the Present (Peter Lang/Italian Perspectives series, 2022), 308pp. Reviewed in Italica, JICMS, Electronic Book Review, Annali d’italianistica - runner-up of the N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature (From the jury statement: “The author methodically develops a theoretical framework based on Umberto Eco’s ‘open work’ concept and applies this framework to analyze a diverse range of literary and artistic forms. The book’s argument is deeply rooted in a thoughtful examination of the digital revolution in Italy and its transformative impact on avant-garde literary production.”)
  2. *Pasolini after Dante: the “Divine Mimesis” and the politics of representation (Oxford: Routledge/Legenda, 2016), 177pp. Reviewed in Rivista di Studi Danteschi, Allegoria, Gramsciana, Annali di Italianistica, Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch, Caracteres, Studi Pasoliniani

Books edited

  1. Transmedia. Storia, memoria e narrazioni attraverso i media, with Clodagh Brook (Milan: Mimesis, 2014). Reviewed in Quaderni d’altri tempi, Between

2. La nuova gioventù? Saggi sull’eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Novi Ligure: Joker, 2009)

3. *Experimental narratives: from the novel to digital storytelling, Special Issue of the Journal of Comparative Critical Studies (13.3: 2016)

4. *Reading practices in experimental narratives: a comparative perspective from print to digital fiction in modern languages, Special Issue of the Journal of Romance Studies (16.1: 2016)

Articles published as sole author in refereed journals

  1. ‘Introduction’, *Digital Interdisciplinarity: from text to context, from data to image, The Italianist 42: 3, 2022, pp. 1-4
  2. *‘Che cosa sono le nuvole? Intermedialità riflessiva e strategie di decolonizzazione tra cinema e teatro’, Studi Pasoliniani 16, 2022, pp. 207-220
  3. ‘Pasolini e Dante. La Divina Mimesis e la poetica della rappresentazione dell’ “altro”’, Engramma 189, 2022, online
  4. ‘Umberto Eco’s Opera Aperta and the Birth of Italian Electronic Literature’,  Modern Languages Open 1, 2021, online
  5. *‘Digital literacy and Modern Languages: How to make a digital video’, Modern Languages Open, 2020, online
  6. *‘Digital Culture Studies and Modern Languages: National and Transnational Perspectives’, Explorations in Media Ecology 17: 3, 2018, 259-72
  7. *‘Modern Languages and the digital: the shape of the discipline’, with Claire Taylor, Niamh Thornton et al., Modern Languages Open, 2017, online
  8. ‘From page to screen/From screen to page: collaborative narratives in twentieth century Italian fiction: the Wu Ming case’, in Reading practices in experimental narratives: from print to digital, Special Issue of the Journal of Romance Studies 16:3: 2016, 39-61
  9. ‘Pasolini’s intermediality’, in ISLG Bulletin, ed. by Andrea Del Corno, 15, 2016, 45-54
  10. ‘La Divina Mimesis come progetto popolare-nazionale: Pasolini e il regresso nel parlante’, Pasolini entre régression et échec, edited by Paolo Desogus, Manuele Gragnolati, Davide Luglio, Cristoph Holzhey, Special Issue of LaRivista 4, 2016
  11. ‘Linking Venus. new technologies of memory and reconfiguration of space at the Warburg Library’, (with François Quiviger), Between. Rivista dell’associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura 8, Autumn, 2014, online
  12. ‘Pasolini, intellettuale mimetico’, Studi Pasoliniani 7, Autumn 2013, 89-100
  13. ‘Forme di dantismo ed antipetrarchismo nella poetica pasoliniana degli anni ’40’, Letterature Straniere & (Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell'Università di Cagliari), 13 Autumn 2011, 269-80
  14. ‘We are a dream in a dream: the illusion of reality in film representations’, in Always Already New, a Special Issue of Limina, 2, 2011, 303-10
  15. *’Petrolio as a model of UNO in Giuseppe Genna’s Italia De Profundis’, Overcoming postmodernism: the debate on the New Italian Epic, Special Issue of the Journal of Romance Studies 10, Spring 2010, 83-95
  16. ‘Pasolini’s La Divina Mimesis: frammenti di un discorso infernale’, Arachnofiles. A journal of European languages and cultures, 3, Spring 2004, online

Joint articles published in refereed journals

  1. *‘Italian Studies and the digital: from umanistica digitale to digital culture studies’, with Guyda Armstrong, Italian Studies 75: 2, 2020, 194-208
  2. *‘Technological poetry: interconnections between impegno, media and gender in Gruppo 70’, with Giuliana Pieri, Italian Studies 72: 3, 2017, 323-37

Book chapters

  1. ‘Italian Net Poetry: Caterina Davinio's Creative Experimentation (1992-2009)’, in Routledge Companion of Literary Media, edited by Bronwen Thomas, Julia Round, and Astrid Ensslin (Oxford: Routledge, 2023), pp. 233-243;
  2. ‘Popular culture in the digital age’, in Forty years of popular culture in Italy, edited by Enrico Minardi and Paolo Desogus (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020), pp. 13-30.
  3. ‘L’ossessione dell’identità e la sua frantumazione. Fluidità di genere e libertà di essere in Petrolio’, in Petrolio, 25 anni dopo, edited by Davide Luglio, Manuele Gragnolati and Carla Benedetti (Rome: Quodlibet, 2020), pp. 93-107.
  4. ‘Pasolini, artista intermedial’, in Ficciones nómadas. Procesos de intermedialidad literaria y audiovisual, edited by José Antonio Pérez Bowie and Antonio Jesús Gil González (Madrid: Pigmalion, 2017), pp. 29-54.
  5. ‘Experiment Now. Lo sperimentalismo narrativo nell’era digitale’, in Incroci/Crossings, edited by Marco Gargiulo, (Roma: Aracne, 2017)
  6. ‘La ricezione critica di Pasolini nel Regno Unito’, in Pasolini, oggi. Fortuna internazionale e ricezione critica, edited by Angela Felice, Arturo Larcati e Antonio Tricomi, (Venezia: Marsilio, 2016), pp. 163-177.
  7. ‘L’ibridazione tra le arti nella prospettiva postmediale’, in Mondi altri. Processi di soggettivazione nell’era postumana a partire dal pensiero di Antonio Caronia, edited by Amos Bianchi and Giovanni Leghissa, (Milan: Mimesis, 2016), pp. 251-262
  8. ‘Letteratura oltre i confini del libro. Storie e narrazioni attraverso i media’, Lingua e cultura italiana nei mass media, edited by Marco Gargiulo, (Roma: Aracne, 2014), pp. 31-55
  9. ‘From Dantean realism to postrealism: La Divina Mimesis and the mimetic project’, in Corpus xxx: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò, edited by Davide Messina, (Bologna: Clueb, 2012), pp. 109-33
  10. ‘Fictional reality and real fiction in Pasolini and Fassbinder’, in Pasolini and Fassbinder: the European legacy between utopia and nihilism, edited by F. Vighi and A.Nuss, (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), pp. 37-48
  11. ‘Ideologia e linguaggio: Pasolini e Sanguineti a confronto sul realismo di Dante’, in La nuova gioventù? Saggi sull’eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by Emanuela Patti (Novi Ligure: Joker, 2009), pp. 88-105
  12. ‘Petrolio, scrittura della differenza: memoria, storia e identità alla deriva’, in Tempo e memoria nella lingua e letteratura italiana. Atti del XVII congresso A.I.P.I., Vol. III: Narrativa del Novecento e degli anni Duemila, (Bruxelles: Civiltà Italiana, 2009), pp. 201-11, online
  13. ‘Mimesis: Pasolini’s Will to be a Poet’, in Pier Paolo Pasolini, 30 years later, edited by Ben Lawton and Maura Bergonzoni, (Washington: New Academia Publishing, 2009), pp. 115-30
  14. ‘A poetic idea: (re)sacralising the wor(l)d. Pasolini’s project for a film about Saint Paul’, in Politics and culture in Post-War Italy, edited by Linda Risso (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2006), pp. 77-87

Important notes, reviews and review articles

  1. Review of Lindsay Caplan, Arte programmata. Freedom, control, and the computer in the 1960s Italy, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 29 (4), 2024

  2. Review of Massimo Riva, Shadow Plays, JICMS 12 (3), 2024
  3. Review of Umberto Eco, Sull'arte. Scritti dal 1955 al 2016 (La nave di Teseo), edited by Vincenzo Trione, Antinomie.it, 2022
  4. Review of Claudio e Giandomenico Crapis, Umberto Eco e la politica culturale della Sinistra (La Nave di Teseo), Doppiozero.com, 2022
  5. ‘Pier Paolo Pasolini: cinco lecciones para el presente’, LaFuga, 26 [published May 2022]
  6. Review of Pierpaolo Antonello, Matilde Nardelli, Margherita Zanoletti (eds), Bruno Munari. The Lightness of Art, in Italian Studies, Italian Studies 77:3, 2022, 357-8
  7. Review of Fernando Gonzalez Garcia, Pier Paolo Pasolini. Los Apuntes como forma poética, in Poetiche 18: 45, 2, 2016, 422-26
  8. Review of Valentino Catricalà (ed.), Media art. Towards a New Definition of Arts in the Age of Technology, Interdisciplinary Italy.org.uk
  9. Review of Massimo Riva, Pinocchio digitale. Postumanesimo e iper-romanzo, in Annali di Italianistica 31: 2013, 582
  10. Review of Fabio Vighi, Sexual difference in European Cinema, in Between. Rivista dell’associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura, 2, Spring 2011, online
  11. Review of Erminia Passannanti, Il corpo e il potere, in Allegoria, 52-53, 2006, 222.

Articles and books under consideration for publication

  1. ‘A conversation with Lamberto Pignotti’, in Verbivocovisual Eroticism in the 1960s and 1970s, edited by Maria Elena Minuto and Michel Delville (Brill, 2024).

Other outputs/ non-text based material

1. David Rizzio at the Scottish Court, 30-min documentary