Eleonora Marcantoni

Thesis title: Brain-informed high-precision stimulation to improve memory


Eleonora is a PhD student in the MRC Doctoral Training Programme in Precision Medicine. Eleonora's project involves using novel brain stimulation paradigms to target specific brain memory supporting circuits with the aim of improving this cognitive ability and exploring the possibility to create novel interventions for Alzheimer's Dementia patients. 

Eleonora studied Neuroscience at the University of Bologna where she obtained her MSc with a thesis entitled "Causal manipulation of alpha rhythms shapes conscious visual perception" under the supervision of Professor Vincenzo Romei. Then, she held a research assistant position (2021-2022) at the IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli (Brescia, Italy) under the supervision of Dr Marta Bortoletto. Here, she had the opportunity to deepen the field of TMS-EEG paradigms and neurophysiological measures. 

In September 2022 Eleonora moved to the UK where she joined the Doctoral Training Programme in Precision Medicine joint between the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow. 


  • MSc in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 
  • BSc in Sciences and Techniques of Clinical and Health Psychology

Research summary

  • Precision Medicine
  • Brain Oscillatory Dynamics
  • Episodic Memory
  • High-Precision Brain Stimulation
  • Neurotechnology
  • Neuroimaging

Affiliated research centres