Edgardo Toro

PhD Student


Poet, Social Worker  Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile (1997), PhD Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Health (2018),   Master in Applied Social Sciences  Universidad de la Frontera, Chile (2006),  and  Master in Society Sciences , Université  París 12, France (2006).  Lecturer and Researcher in undergraduate and post graduate,  School of Social Work  Pontifical University Catholic of Valparaíso, Chile.(1998 - ), and researcher  NGO Paicabi, Chile.(1998 - )  My academic and professional interests are: social violence,  sexual violence against children,  social intervention ,  qualitative research and discourse analysis.

I am funded by BecasChile scholarship CONICYT, Chilean Government.


Social Worker  Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile (1997)

Master in Applied Social Sciences  Universidad de la Frontera, Chile (2006)

Master in Society Sciences , Université  París 12, France (2006).

Post Diploma in Business Administration, Pontificia Universidad Catoliva de Valparaiso, Chile (2010)

Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy, UK (2016) 

PhD Interdisciplinary Social Sciencies in Health (2013-2017), Edinburgh University, Scotland

Responsibilities & affiliations

IPSCAN, International society for the prevention of child abuse and neglect

IFSW, International Federation of Social Worker

Red de investigadores Trabajo Social (Chile).

CADP Centre of applied developmental psychology, School of Health and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh.

UCU, University and College Union

Undergraduate teaching





2016-2017         Teaching Assistant Tutorial SW1a Making a Difference

                                Teaching Assistant Tutorial SW2 Policy and Legal Framework

                                Teaching Assistant Tutorial Working and Relating: Developing your people Skills.

2015-2016          Teaching Assistant Tutorial Working and Relating: Developing your people   Skills.

                                Teaching Assistant Tutorial SW1a Making a Difference






1998 - 2013        Lecturer and Researcher:

                                The basics of social work level 1 and 2

                                 Elective course Social violence

                                 Elective course Analytic approach on childhood

                                 Tutor of professional practices of social work.

2005 - 2013         Head of Extension, communication and academic courses

2007 - 2013         Guide Professor Bachelor Degree Thesis.              

2005 - 2011         Executive Coordinator Bachelor of Social Work, La Serena.

2011                      Academic Internship Coordinator.

Postgraduate teaching



MSc in Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion​)

2016-2017  Teaching Assitant (tutorial) Research methods Data Mangamnet and analysis. Wokshop Qualitative Analysis.




2009 – 2013       Lecturer Master in Social Work, Course: Socio cultural intervention

                               Academic committee Master in Social Work

2008 – 2013       Diploma Familiar Intervention. Introductory course and intervention in sexual abuse.

2012                       Diploma Social Network intervention, course social network analysis and  final project.

2012                      Diploma Intervention in domestic violence and child sexual violence. Introductory course social violence approach and final project.

2008                       Diploma Social network in social system of protection. Module social analysis communitarian network.

2007                       Diploma Intervention in child sexual abuse. Course complex approach in  child sexual violence.

2003                       Post title “The family in contemporary society”, Course Intervention in community social networks.

Other Universities

2010-2011          Diploma psychiatry and forensic psychology, Universidad del Desarrollo, Course, Intervention in communitarian social network.

2006-2008            Post title “Intervention in Domestic abuse and child sexual abuse”, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, course first actions in child abuse case.

Research summary

My academic and professional interests are: social violence,  sexual violence against children,  social intervention ,  qualitative research and discourse analysis.

Current research interests

Analysis of programs, models of social intervention and interdisciplinary teams practices on sexual violence against children, the case of commercial sexual exploitation of children in Chile: a discourse analysis approach. The main aim of this research is “To describe, understand and analyse the programs of social intervention on CSEC, the social intervention models, and the interdisciplinary practices in commercial sexual exploitation of children, implemented in the last decade in Chile”, through a qualitative research with discourse analysis approach. Supervisors Dr. Ethel Quayle Dr. Marion Smith

Past research interests

2016 Evaluation: “Partners for Protection: A group programme to assess non-abusing carers’ capacity to protect children from sexual abuse” Barnardo’s Scotland. NGO PAICABI 2012 Current references in Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. 2009 - 2010 Research: “Confrontation of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, Including the Sex Trafficking, and Strengthening the Victim Care Model in Latin America. Centre and North Zone in Chile”. CONACE, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALPARAISO 2011 Research: “Shelter to rehab drugs addict as an intermediate transition” SENAME, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALPARAÍSO 2006 - 2007 Research Team Member: “Diagnosis of child sexual abuse situation. Descriptive study of magnitude and characterization of childhood sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation in the V Region of Valparaíso. PROGRAM SENCE - CONSULTANT EMG 2005 Research Team Member: “National Assessment of Micro-Business Training Program”. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALPARAÍSO 2009 - 2012 Social Violence Study Group. 2006 - 2012 Interdisciplinary Study Group on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy.

Knowledge exchange


11/16                     Conference Evidence-Informed Practice: Practice -Informed Research" Baspcan, Birmingham, England. 

11/2016               Class: “Social Work: Policies and Legal Framework” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

09/2016               Conference: “International Social Work” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

08/2016               Webinario sobre el monitoreo y la evaluación de programas de reintegración. RISE learning networking.

05/2016               Seminario “Sumando Miradas sobre los desafíos en la Intervención en ESCNNA”, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos               

                                 Humanos, SENAME, ONGs Paicabi y SERPAJ, Valparaíso, Chile.

11/2015               Class: “Social Work: Policies and Legal Framework” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

09/2015               Conference: “International Social Work” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

06/2015               The Edinburgh-Manchester workshop in philosophy and the making of the social sciences. Keynote speaker, Professor     

                                  John Searle, The University of Edinburgh, The Manchester University, Aristotelian Society.

04/2015               School of Health and social Sciences PG Conference, The University of Edinburgh, "Analysis of programs, models of

                                 treatment and interdisciplinary teams practices on sexual violence against children the case of commercial sexual

                                 exploitation of children in Chile: A discourse analysis approach", Edinburgh.

04/2015               International Conference BASPCAN Congress 2015: New Directions in Child Protection and Well-being Free paper session

                                 31: “Child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation interventions”.

03/2015               Class “Social problems, social policies and intervention: the case of Commercial sexual exploitation of children” School of

                                  psychology, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile

03/2015               Class “Challenges in a research in child sexual violence” aims, systematic review and reflection, Master of social work,

                                 Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile.

11/2014               Class: “Social Work: Policies and Legal Framework” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

09/2014               Conference: “International Social Work” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

09/2013               Conference: “International Social Work” School of Social Work, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

12/2012                Seminar: “Education and Poverty”, Foundation against Poverty. Valparaíso, Chile.

11/2012                Seminar: “Childhood and Protection in Education”, Foundation Integra. Valparaíso, Chile.

06/2012                Seminar: “Treatment in Childhood”, Social Workers Association. Punta Arenas, Chile.

01/2012                Third Summer School: "Violence, Children and Rights”, NGO PAICABI. Valparaíso, Chile.

05/2011                Seminar: "Research on CSEC in Chile, from the Male Victims", Inter-American Children's Institute, Ecpat International. 

                                  Lima, Perú.

01/2011               Second Summer School: "Violence, Children and Rights”, NGO PAICABI.Valparaíso-Chiloé, Chile.

11/2010               International Course: "Research on CSEC in Chile, from the Male Victims", Inter-American Children's Institute, National

                                 Youth Service. Santiago, Chile.

10/2010               Seminar: “Confronting Sexual Exploitation Children and Adolescents, Including Sex Trafficking, and Strengthening the

                                 Victim Care Model in Latin America”, ECPAT International, NGO PAICABI, NGO RAICES. Santiago, Chile.

10/2009              Seminar: “Inclusive Education in the Context of Families in Poverty", School of Education and Social Work, Pontificia

                                Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. Valparaíso, Chile.

08/2009               Seminar: "Invisible Reality or social hypocrisy?”, CSEC, Universidad de Playa Ancha. Valparaíso, Chile.

06/2009               Seminar: "Reflections on Child Labour in the International Day Against Child Labour, Labour”, SEREMI, NGO PAICABI.

                                 Valparaíso, Chile.

07/2009               Seminar: “Advocating for a Change of Focus: In Less than Child Prostitution Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation”,

                                 Ministry of Justice. Viña del Mar, Chile.

03/2009               Seminar Sex Offenders: "Borders Between Different Forms of Sexual Violence", NGO PAICABI. Valparaíso, Chile.  

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

2016                      “Virtual forum in Commercial Sexual Exploitation of children” Initiative Innovation Grant, University of Edinburgh.

